
Video: Stormy Daniels Details Encounter With Trump: Her Publicist Told Her "It'll Make a Great Story" - UPDATE: Trump Said "You Remind Me of My Daughter"

Dangerman5/07/2024 1:38:56 pm PDT

re: #118 jaunte

“The whole story was made up wasn’t it?” Necheles asks.
“No, none of it was made up,” Stormy asserts.

Even if it was made up, that wouldn’t affect the crime that was committed.

i repeat:

if it was all made up, why would tfg have sought (and got) and nda from her? to not disclose something that didnt happen?

and further, why pay her off, let alone in this elaborate manner, or at all?
why be afraid his family would ‘find out’ about something that never happened?