
Video: Judge Says He Will Have to Consider Jailing Trump if He Violates Gag Order

Mattand5/06/2024 11:27:57 am PDT

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I was listening to last week’s This Week in Tech podcast and one of the guests was Kevin Rose, a guy who essentially is a former podcaster, now angel investor gazzillionaire.

The subject of AI came up, as always, and Rose pointed out that he is always exceedingly polite to whatever AI client he’s using. Why? Because, I shit you not, he’s worried if it becomes sentient, AI in all its forms is keeping an enemies list, and he doesn’t want to get Terminated.

Real Simpsons-style “I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords” stupidity.

That’s just one sample. Almost always when TWiT has some level of Silicon Valley entrepreneur on the show, they vomit the most fucking idiot shit possible and actually believe it.

So Jack Dorsey saying something idiotic like “Twitter is freedom tech” doesn’t surprise me one iota.

I get really worried that a lot of the tech shaping our world is created and run by rich white male lunatics who are completely out-of-touch with reality.