
Video: Judge Says He Will Have to Consider Jailing Trump if He Violates Gag Order

Targetpractice5/06/2024 12:09:33 pm PDT

re: #43 lawhawk

If prosecutors call for revocation of bail or jail for the next violation of the gag order, the Judge would take that into account. The Judge isn’t going to go directly to jail when prosecutors haven’t called for that at this time. Bragg doesn’t want to necessarily jeopardize the trial with Trump knowing full well how Trump would likely seek an immediate appeal questioning the gag order on him, when anyone else in his position would have already been in jail. It’s a very defensive posture, which is unusual for a DA’s office that typically prosecutes aggressively.

It’s a risk-adverse strategy, one taking into account that Bragg can’t trust the appellate courts not to hand Trump a lifeline by putting the trial on pause for weeks or even months while they “carefully” consider yet another appeal that would have been stomped flat for most any other defendant.