
Video: Judge Says He Will Have to Consider Jailing Trump if He Violates Gag Order

Shropshire Slasher5/06/2024 1:17:04 pm PDT
An Arizona State University senior, Breanna Brocker, expressed dismay upon learning she will miss her upcoming graduation due to a suspension stemming from her arrest at a campus protest. Brocker shared with @bdbrown473 that the suspension precludes her from participating in her final exams, directly impacting her ability to graduate as planned.

Brocker broke down in tears and played the victim card after learning she would not be graduating from the university this week.

Brocker voiced her frustration, highlighting the unforeseen consequences of her advocacy. “I’m a little disappointed. I’m being restricted from a lot of things right now that I didn’t expect to be for first standing up for something that I believe in.” The implications of her suspension extend beyond academic setbacks as she now faces the emotional task of informing family members, who were set to attend her graduation, to cancel their plans.