Right Wing Rages Uncontrollably at Michelle Obama: “Someone Put a Bullet in That Fat Pig”

Sheer hatred
Wingnuts • Views: 41,946

Michelle Obama gave away the Best Picture award at last night’s Oscar telecast, and would you be surprised to learn that this has driven the wingnut keyboard commandos into fits of extreme racist rage? No? Me neither.

The right wing base is absolutely demented with dim-witted anger at Michelle Obama, ranting uncontrollably today at every single right wing website. They have a special hatred for the First Lady, so over the top it sometimes seems like a parody — but of course it isn’t.

I’ll just pick a few representative comments from two right wing sites. The references to “Star Wars” are their clever way of comparing Mrs. Obama to a Wookie. It’s one of their favorite racial slurs.

At Fox Nation:

At least Moochell is crashing the oscars now… Probably not as much fun as crashing through the forest and terrorizing tent campers.


Narcissists? Somewhere in the WH, the president has locked himself in a bathroom with a bottle of astroglide, a zucchini, and his press photos.


I wonder how many favors Barry had to call in to get that mule on stage.


Bought and paid for political plantation hor…


the First Wookie is with out a doubt and embarrassment to the nation, she has never held a real job, earned a dime herself or cares about this country, do not be surprised when George and Weezy are out of the White House she drops Barack quickly and gets her a NBA star.


The Obamas are like ill-bred ghettø kids who just won the lottery. Spendthrift, vulgar, irresponsible, and utterly filled with arrogant delusions of their own self-importance.



Ugh. I would sooner French kiss an Óràngután.


Good for Michelle. This is the least masculine she’s looked in years, and that mop of a haircut really makes her aboriginal good looks shine. Lucky, lucky Barry.


Like a prom dress on a mule.


this racist is sickening. she has no problem spending tax payers money. thank you skin, food stamp voters for the no class Whitehouse.


Reminds us very much of Marie Antoinette.

At Hot Air:

Barf-o-Rama. And even in an updo the bangs make her look like Rick James.


Some country will make Obama king after he destroys Amerika.


What a hideous beast! What’s happened to our country? Is this some kind of freak-show or what- like Divinity eating poo off the sidewalk in that John Waters flick. My worst nightmare is a dream compared to this. Would someone please open the gates and let me out already?


Scientific studies show that animals are often attracted to shiny objects. just saying’.


I think Michelle has no intention of being an ex-monarch. This is all about her running for Senate and then president. After all, the transformation to socialism is not yet complete! Women like her and Hillary cannot stand to have their husbands accomplish more than they do.


I think The Onion had the wrong person.


Hey skank, half the country hates you. Go away. Tired of having to windex my TV everytime you muck it up.


Dr. Zira presented last night?


My proud ownership of male genitalia precludes the possibility of viewing Hollywood self-adorations. Apparently, this policy has spared me a di**-shrivelling moment.


Was there a tribute to Star Wars that I missed?


“All this for a flag?” -Mooch Obama


As happy as seeing Barak Obama murdered would make me, I think Id be happier if someone put a bullet in that fat pig of a wife.

UPDATE at 2/25/13 12:29:44 pm

That last comment above has now been deleted at Hot Air, and the rest of the commenters are accusing me of faking it (predictably) and spewing hatred at me.

That quote was nowhere to be found on Hot Air until you posted it now.

You and Charles Johnson are dirty liars.


I just went on LGF and planted an a$sassination remark about Ted Cruz. Hurry, Allah, and link it to smear them before they take it down.


Charles Johnson, the ‘upstanding’ reporter that he is, will print and Update to his post that Allahpundit deleted the offending commenter…in 3, 2……..yeppers.

Latrine rats, eat the slush you dwell in.


Charles Johnson got his first, of what would be, chronic yeast infections.


Googling this Machismo fellow’s previous Hot Air comments makes me think he was really a Kos Kiddie posing as a conservative. His comments were all incredibly over-the-top, like a caricature of a parody of a conservative.

Jump to bottom

1 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:10:52am


2 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:11:10am


3 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:12:26am

What right-wing racism and sexism?

Also, reposting this from downstairs:

Hollywood ratifies Obama alliance (Google cache link)

Gotta love their logic:

I don’t know much about uniforms, but they look kind of military to me. If that’s the case, what kind of event was going on at the White House that night? The President’s schedule doesn’t include any mention of a formal event at the White House.


4 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:12:53am

Ah, I see the American Christian values voters are standing up for truth again. //

5 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:13:10am

Obamahate has come to outderp any example of Bush/Cheneyhate by several degrees of magnitutde.

6 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:13:41am

Nothing brings out the racists like their jealousy over a successful black lady who has more grace, beauty, brains, sense, and empathy than these pathetic wastes of oxygen will ever possess if they lived 100 lifetimes.

7 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:13:50am

re: #4 Bulworth

Ah, I see the American Christian values voters are standing up for truth again. //

Yeah only in America, can you be a “values voter” and be a pathetically hateful son of a bitch.

8 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:14:39am

The hatred of Mrs. Obama is so stupid. Oh, she wants kids to eat healthy. The horror. All these idiots have to live for is their pathetic hatred of the Obamas.

9 erik_t  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:03am

Whoa, I just finally realized this.

The reason those dimwitted oafs think appending ‘TGDN’ to their tweets will protect them from censorship is because this is exactly the sort of fake half-security measure implemented on Fox Nation. Add an umlaut to your Wookie and you’re in the clear; they can’t or won’t touch you.

10 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:06am
11 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:20am
12 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:38am

“…ill-bred ghettø kids who just won the lottery. Spendthrift, vulgar, irresponsible, and utterly filled with arrogant delusions of their own self-importance. Disgusting.”

OK, but enough about tea party Republicans and wingnut commenters at Fox Nation.

13 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:42am
14 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:15:59am


15 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:16:30am
16 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:16:53am
17 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:17:05am

Can’t take any more of this crap.

18 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:17:33am

It doesn’t even anger me any more. These people are pathetic losers.

19 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:17:47am

re: #16 Vicious Babushka

The First Lady appeared in a live broadcast from the White House. She didn’t go anywhere.

20 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:18:28am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

The First Lady appeared in a live broadcast from the White House. She didn’t go anywhere.

21 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:18:42am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

The First Lady appeared in a live broadcast from the White House. She didn’t go anywhere.

Yeah well nothing’s let pesky little things like fact get in the way of a good old fashioned fauxrage before.

22 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:19:02am

Randy Thomasson: Gay Rights Ushering in Civil War

Save California’s Randy Thomason on Friday appeared on Istook Live, the Heritage Foundation radio program hosted by former Republican congressman Ernest Istook, to discuss the Supreme Court case on Proposition 8.

He accused the California state officials who refused to defend Prop 8 of “dissing God” and went on to warn that “usurpers of the United States Constitution” have methodically and stealthily “infiltrated” the government and the courts in order to launch another civil war.

Because it went so well for the assholes the first go around.

23 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:19:49am
My proud ownership of male genitalia precludes the possibility of viewing Hollywood self-adorations. Apparently, this policy has spared me a di**-shrivelling moment.

Bryan Fischer, is that you?

24 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:20:30am

re: #23 Bulworth

Bryan Fischer, is that you?

Seriously, find me a right winger who’s not a sexually repressed whack job.

25 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:20:38am
26 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:21:06am

Outright, blatant racism.

27 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:21:09am

re: #22 Kragar (Antichrist )

You mean another former Republican member of Congress has a welfare gig at Heritage?


28 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:21:47am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

The First Lady appeared in a live broadcast from the White House. She didn’t go anywhere.

They just make shit up as they go along.

29 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:21:59am

re: #26 Gus

Outright, blatant racism.

That’s a feature, not a bug.

30 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:22:28am

Fan fracking tastic.

The RWNJs are really showing their true colors.

It was surprising that FLOTUS was asked to do a bit for the Oscars, but hardly unprecedented.

One gets freakout by the usual suspects. The other? Not so much.

It’s more of the same from the RWNJ.

31 CriticalDragon1177  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:22:54am

Charles Johnson

Wow shear hatred is right. What did she do, other being Obama’s wife to generate such rage?

32 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:23:27am

re: #23 Bulworth

Bryan Fischer, is that you?

Oddly, it seems Fisher hasn’t commented on this Michelle Obama thing yet. At least he hasn’t tweeted about it.

33 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:23:31am

re: #31 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson

Wow shear hatred is right. What did she do, other being Obama’s wife to generate such rage?

Being FLOTUS While Black.

34 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:23:44am

re: #31 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson

Wow shear hatred is right. What did she do, other being Obama’s wife to generate such rage?


35 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:23:46am

re: #31 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson

Wow shear hatred is right. What did she do, other being Obama’s wife to generate such rage?

She thinks kids should eat more healthy while the country is experiencing record numbers of obesity. What a bitch.//

36 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:23:47am

And yet, there are still people at LGF who try to say this is no different from what lefties said about Bush.

37 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:24:08am

re: #31 CriticalDragon1177

What did she do, other being Obama’s wife to generate such rage?

Being FLOTUS While Black. Also, they’re jealous that she’s in better shape than they are.

38 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:24:15am

re: #32 Eclectic Cyborg

Oddly, it seems Fisher hasn’t commented on this Michelle Obama thing yet. At least he hasn’t tweeted about it.

Maybe all the pornography he downloads fucked up his server.

39 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:24:26am

re: #31 CriticalDragon1177

FLOTUS while Black.

40 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:25:03am

re: #36 Charles Johnson

And yet, there are still people at LGF who try to say this is no different from what lefties said about Bush.

I’m sure we’re going to see a few posts about “The Onion” and that stupid tweet compared to this at some point so somebody can say “see, both sides do it!”

41 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:25:05am
He accused the California state officials who refused to defend Prop 8 of “dissing God” and went on to warn that “usurpers of the United States Constitution” have methodically and stealthily “infiltrated” the government and the courts in order to launch another civil war.

Wow, Istook used the word “dissing”. He’s so hip. Totally down with the kids.


42 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:25:35am

re: #36 Charles Johnson

And yet, there are still people at LGF who try to say this is no different from what lefties said about Bush.

Magical Balance Fairy!

43 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:27:31am

re: #14 Lidane


Jennifer Rubin is so. Fucking. Stupid.

In what universe are the clothes those people are wearing American military uniforms?

Oh, and a note to Jen: You sound bitter and jealous. WaPo maybe isn’t the best place to throw a hate tantrum against a woman who outclasses you.

44 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:29:00am

It’s really surprising to me that all these “Family values” type people choose to crap all over Obama.

Regardless of how you feel about the man’s politics, he seems to be a genuine example of a person who truly does love his wife (and has never cheated on her) and loves his kids.

Isn’t that like, a good thing?

45 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:31:18am
46 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:32:12am

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s really surprising to me that all these “Family values” type people choose to crap all over Obama.

Regardless of how you feel about the man’s politics, he seems to be a genuine example of a person who truly does love his wife (and has never cheated on her) and loves his kids.

Isn’t that like, a good thing?

Well, normally it would be, but in this case there are certain special circumstances, i.e., black.

47 kirkspencer  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:32:44am

re: #43 makeitstop

Jennifer Rubin is so. Fucking. Stupid.

In what universe are the clothes those people are wearing American military uniforms? [snip]

This one. Those are American military uniforms. It’s just that most people don’t see the Mess uniform very often.

48 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:33:11am

Jenn Rubin:

It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.

Concern Troll on line 8….

49 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:35:43am

re: #43 makeitstop

Jennifer Rubin is so. Fucking. Stupid.

I have flat out tweeted her directly to tell her that whatever WaPo pays her is wasted money. She is hopeless.

She makes a hack like Krauthammer look sincere, which takes effort.

50 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:35:58am

Looks like I was right, by the way — the latest Breitbart smear on Chuck Hagel is not going anywhere.

51 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:38:33am

re: #47 kirkspencer

This one. Those are American military uniforms. It’s just that most people don’t see the Mess uniform very often.

Ah. I stand corrected.

But Jennifer Rubin is still one stupid woman.

52 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:38:48am


I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances.

I’m pretty sure PBO is the president of all the people in the U.S. including Rubin.

53 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:39:05am
54 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:40:58am

That’s so weird, because all the fake Twitter accounts that I saw last week were all wingnuts.

55 erik_t  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:42:08am

Set decoration, because I’m sure the men were utterly horrified to have to share an amazing public stage and a moment in the national limelight with the freaking First Lady.

Rough duty, indeed. Shame on her.


56 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:43:45am

re: #50 Charles Johnson

Looks like I was right, by the way — the latest Breitbart smear on Chuck Hagel is not going anywhere.

So far. Pat Dullard keeps Tweeting about it. Looks like International Business Times picked it up 54 minutes ago.

58 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:45:33am

If the Left said anything remotely offensive about dubyah or Laura, the media firestorm was swift and loud and an eventual pleading apology would be forced to occur.

59 iossarian  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:45:40am
60 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:46:01am

re: #56 Gus

So far. Pat Dullard keeps Tweeting about it. Looks like International Business Times picked it up 54 minutes ago.

Misspelled Joel Pollak’s name twice.

61 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:46:02am


62 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:48:28am

re: #59 iossarian

Rum+Lash or GTFO.

The poll results are revealing. Most don;t really care if he’s gay or if the rumors are true as long as it damages him.

63 iossarian  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:49:07am

re: #61 Vicious Babushka


I don’t understand - aren’t we meant to bow down and worship the job creators?

How can THE RICH now be bad people to be associated with?

Does not compute.

64 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:49:37am

re: #61 Vicious Babushka

The weirdest part is none of these people on the right seem to understand that she and her servicemen/women guests were dressed up because they were attending the Governors Ball.

65 iossarian  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:49:47am

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The poll results are revealing. Most don;t really care if he’s gay or if the rumors are true as long as it damages him.

Republicans hate it when their methods get used against them.

66 efuseakay  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:50:07am

Hello, Secret Service…

67 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:50:15am

re: #64 simoom

The weirdest part is none of these people on the right seem to understand that she and her servicemen guests were dressed up because they were attending the Governors Ball.

Understand context? Never. Damn the torpedoes.

68 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:50:49am


69 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:52:23am

re: #68 Lidane


So, I bet she was in a rage when Laura Bush did the same frigging thing eleven years ago. Goddamn, people get over your ODS. This is your president and first lady. You don’t have to like them but you don’t need to flip your fucking shit every time you see them either.

70 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:52:59am

re: #61 Vicious Babushka



Restore Our Republic! Saving Freedom,1 Tweet at a Time. Strong Conservative Woman who supports ALL Religions except those that want me Dead! 2012 NCGOP Delegate

71 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:53:07am

re: #63 iossarian

I don’t understand - aren’t we meant to bow down and worship the job creators?

How can THE RICH now be bad people to be associated with?

Does not compute.

I think what this insane wingnut is trying to say, is that FLOTUS is trying to emulate THE RICH but she will never be one of them because she is a WELFARE MOOCHER (iow Blackity Black Black)

I threw up in my mouth just typing that.

72 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:53:19am

re: #64 simoom

The weirdest part is none of these people on the right seem to understand that she and her servicemen/women guests were dressed up because they were attending the Governors Ball.

Lies! According to the geniuses over at American Thinker, POTUS didn’t have any formal events on his schedule.

73 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:53:52am

Robertson: Worth Praying Over Clothes to Rebuke Demons

Today on the 700 Club, televangelist Pat Robertson said that demons can attach themselves to material goods and therefore it’s not a bad idea to rebuke them before bringing them into your home.

After a viewer, Carrie, asked whether to follow her mom’s recommendation to pray away demonic spirits over her secondhand sweaters, Robertson recounted a story about “a witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it, and this Philippine girl was so attached to this ring, she had to buy it and all hell broke loose because she finally recognized what it was.”

“Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects, the answer is yes,” Robertson said.

Get the fuck out of my century.

74 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:53:56am

And here she is continuing to display her disregard for the troops, as suggested by RW-pundits like Jennifer Rubin (/////):

[Link: news.yahoo.com…]

WASHINGTON (AP) — First lady Michelle Obama on Monday challenged governors to make it easier for military personnel to transfer their skills to civilian jobs as they return home from Afghanistan and other far-flung posts.

“While this time of war may be ending, the truth is our responsibility to our troops and their families will really just be ramping up,” Mrs. Obama told governors during an event at the White House.

Mrs. Obama pressed states to pass legislation or take executive action by 2015 allowing veterans to receive professional credentials or licenses based on their experiences in the military. Administration officials said that would allow veterans to apply for jobs more quickly rather than having to take courses for skills they already have.

The nation’s governors are in Washington for their annual meeting.

The veterans’ initiatives are part of Mrs. Obama’s “Joining Forces” program, which aims to help veterans and their families. The program has focused in particular on assisting military personnel find civilian jobs, an effort that is expected to take on more urgency as the Afghan war comes to a close by the end of next year.

The first lady wants states to focus in particular on making it easier for veterans to obtain credentials and licenses for commercial driving, nursing, and emergency medical services, administration officials said. The White House has outlined suggested legislative language states can use for implementing the changes.

Mrs. Obama has previously called on states to help military spouses transfer their state-specific credentials when their families move due to changes in deployment. Seventeen states have passed such legislation over the past year, joining 11 states that already had laws on the books.

75 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:54:07am

Meanwhile over at racist Weasel Zippers: Mooch Crashes The Oscars, Uses Military Members As Props

76 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:54:34am

re: #70 Gus


Restore Our Republic! Saving Freedom,1 Tweet at a Time. Strong Conservative Woman who supports ALL Religions except those that want me Dead! 2012 NCGOP Delegate

77 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:54:49am

re: #68 Lidane

Another classy wingnut who obviously hasn’t gotten over the results in November.

78 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:55:02am

re: #75 Gus

Meanwhile over at racist Weasel Zippers: Mooch Crashes The Oscars, Uses Military Members As Props

It’s not crashing if you’re invited, you morons.

79 Mattand  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:55:07am

re: #36 Charles Johnson

And yet, there are still people at LGF who try to say this is no different from what lefties said about Bush.

Have the usual suspects opened their mouths yet?

80 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:55:09am

re: #36 Charles Johnson

And yet, there are still people at LGF who try to say this is no different from what lefties said about Bush.

That is because Laura “stayed in her place” and didn’t do the Mom Dance on Jimmy Fallon or give out Oscars.

81 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:55:17am

re: #77 Bulworth

Another classy wingnut who obviously hasn’t gotten over the results in November.

This November of November 2008.

82 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:56:01am

How is it today all?

83 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:56:10am

re: #74 simoom

She hates Amercia, obviously.


84 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:57:09am

The guy I consider the biggest waste of desk space in our whole project just called me up and asked when I expect a guy who quit last year to be in the office.

How this fucktard still has a job is beyond me.

85 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:57:20am

re: #81 HappyWarrior

Both. But esp this November as wingnut media was especially convinced they’d win this time. Peggy Noonan saw yard signs!

86 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:57:48am

There is a petition going around to remove Michelle Bachmann from the House Intelligence Committee

87 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:58:09am

re: #84 Kragar (Antichrist )

Tell ‘em some time after 6 pm.

88 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:59:08am
The veterans’ initiatives are part of Mrs. Obama’s “Joining Forces” program, which aims to help veterans and their families. The program has focused in particular on assisting military personnel find civilian jobs, an effort that is expected to take on more urgency as the Afghan war comes to a close by the end of next year.

Obviously a product of PBO’s anti-colonial mindset.


89 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 11:59:11am

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The poll results are revealing. Most don;t really care if he’s gay or if the rumors are true as long as it damages him.

That’s not, actually, what the poll says.

90 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:00:43pm

Heh, this is sort of amusing. Iranian Fars News Agency, in their Oscar coverage, Photoshopped a more conservative gown onto the FLOTUS (screenshot included w/ the article):

[Link: news.yahoo.com…]

91 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:01:35pm

Let’s watch the Evolution of the Mom Dance again, shall we?


92 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:02:50pm

re: #84 Kragar (Antichrist )

The guy I consider the biggest waste of desk space in our whole project just called me up and asked when I expect a guy who quit last year to be in the office.

How this fucktard still has a job is beyond me.

Never underestimate the ability of people to fail upward in this country. In my years of doing both government and private regulatory work, it’s always best to ask for help from those below you, because those above usually don’t have the first f’ing clue what’s going on.

93 allegro  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:03:54pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The poll results are revealing. Most don;t really care if he’s gay or if the rumors are true as long as it damages him.

You just can’t help making shit up, can you? The poll choice to the question “Do you think Mitch McConnell is a closet queen?” that most (almost 2 to 1) selected is:

“Who cares? As long as his obstructionist ass gets voted out?”

94 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:04:23pm

re: #91 FemNaziBitch

Let’s watch the Evolution of the Mom Dance again, shall we?


[Embedded content]

OK. Get ready. Evolution of Liberal Dance by Michelle Malkin.

Super derp.

95 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:04:29pm

re: #57 Killgore Trout

The Strange and Possibly Sordid Story of Mitch McConnell’s Military Service

This could totally scupper him in the upcoming GOP primary…

96 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:04:51pm

re: #84 Kragar (Antichrist )

The guy I consider the biggest waste of desk space in our whole project just called me up and asked when I expect a guy who quit last year to be in the office.

Duh. He’ll be back in the office on Sunday at 8am. =P

97 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:05:35pm

re: #94 Gus

OK. Get ready. Evolution of Liberal Dance by Michelle Malkin.

[Embedded content]

Super derp.

Don’t quit your day job, Michelle.

98 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:05:50pm

re: #95 Sol Berdinowitz

This could totally scupper him in the upcoming GOP primary…

There doesn’t look like anything to the ‘story’ to me. One weird line on a form doesn’t make a case.

99 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:06:06pm

re: #94 Gus

OK. Get ready. Evolution of Liberal Dance by Michelle Malkin.

[Embedded content]

Super derp.

that music suks!

100 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:06:34pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

Don’t quit your day job, Michelle.

That’s her “Lead Story.”

101 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:06:49pm

re: #94 Gus

And that, ladies and gents, is why conservatives suck at comedy.

102 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:06:59pm

re: #98 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

There doesn’t look like anything to the ‘story’ to me. One weird line on a form doesn’t make a case.

neither does Benghazi, but B . E . N . G . H . A . Z . 11!

103 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:07:15pm

re: #100 Gus

That’s her “Lead Story.”

She really needs to find this thing called a life.

104 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:08:16pm

re: #101 Lidane

And that, ladies and gents, is why conservatives suck at comedy.

Yeah, seriously. Conservatives just aren’t funny. Well intentionally anyhow.

105 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:08:24pm
106 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:09:46pm

re: #105 Vicious Babushka

Probably has to do with people who actually knew and worked with Reagan thought he was an asshole.

107 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:09:46pm

re: #89 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

LBJ and the pig sex (sodomy) rumor (23+ / 0-)

From Washington Monthly, “DID HE OR DIDN’T HE?….This story may or may not be true, but legend has it that during one of Lyndon Johnson’s congressional campaigns he decided to spread a rumor that his opponent was a pig-fucker. LBJ’s campaign manager said, “Lyndon, you know he doesn’t do that!” Johnson replied, “I know. I just want to make him deny it.” ([Link: www.washingtonmonthly.com…] Perfect for McConnell too.

108 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:09:48pm

re: #94 Gus

Always thought this one was apropos when discussing her level of batshittery.

109 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:10:55pm

re: #107 Killgore Trout

The poll still doesn’t say what you claimed, Killgore.

This is the weird thing. There’s plenty of shit about Kos to complain about, but you lie all the time when you’re talking about it, often blatantly— and knowing, probably, that you’ll get called on lying.

I don’t get what the fuck the point is.

110 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:11:01pm

re: #106 Kragar (Antichrist )

Probably has to do with people who actually knew and worked with Reagan thought he was an asshole.

Can’t be. Reagan was nothing but good and jellybeans!

111 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:11:05pm

re: #98 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

There doesn’t look like anything to the ‘story’ to me. One weird line on a form doesn’t make a case.

The people opposing him do not need a case…you know how little it takes to send them into a frenzy when it is about taking down the “enemy”.

112 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:11:11pm

Liberty Counsel To Gay Teens: You’re Depressed Because You’re Sinners

The Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber has penned a letter to gay teens — which he condescendingly qualifies as “gay” teens — that confirms the clear animus he and his fellow conservatives have for LGBT people. His outright condemnation that homosexuals are sinner going directly to Hell is offensive enough, but worse yet, he suggests that gay teens are not depressed because of the homophobia they experience, but merely because they’re sinners:

Yeah, its totally because they’re sinners, and not because friends and family heap abuse on them because of their sexuality.

Fucking bastard.

113 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:11:40pm

re: #108 Ghost of Tom Joad

Oh, yes, Michelle, give the old Male Fox News drones their next fantasy —what they have always wanted to see, you in a cheerleader’s uniform! (and Sarah Palin is their dream fantasy wife)


114 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:12:44pm

Is it against Twitter TOS to have multiple accounts and use them all to spam the same Tweet at the exact same time?

115 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:12:49pm

re: #111 Sol Berdinowitz

The people opposing him do not need a case…you know how little it takes to send them into a frenzy when it is about taking down the “enemy”.

If McConnell fails, he’s not going down due to some vague rumors. It’ll be because the nutjobs think he’s a sellout. They wouldn’t care if he wore a tutu and rustled gay cattle if he was enacting the agenda they want. They, by and large, don’t give a shit about personal character.

116 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:14:32pm

re: #115 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

If McConnell fails, he’s not going down due to some vague rumors. It’ll be because the nutjobs think he’s a sellout. They wouldn’t care if he wore a tutu and rustled gay cattle if he was enacting the agenda they want. They, by and large, don’t give a shit about personal character.

Wait, people who only care about money? really?


117 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:14:57pm

I’m just going to say it.

Every Social Distortion song sounds exactly like every other Social Distortion song.

118 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:16:04pm

re: #114 Vicious Babushka

Is it against Twitter TOS to have multiple accounts and use them all to spam the same Tweet at the exact same time?


[Link: support.twitter.com…]

Serial Accounts: You may not create serial accounts for disruptive or abusive purposes, or with overlapping use cases. Mass account creation may result in suspension of all related accounts. Please note that any violation of the Twitter Rules is cause for permanent suspension of all accounts.

119 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:16:08pm

re: #117 Kragar (Antichrist )

I’m just going to say it.

Every Social Distortion song sounds exactly like every other Social Distortion song.

I played the first five seconds of every Gin Blossom song on an album to a friend of mine who ‘loved’ them and she was completely unable to tell them apart.

120 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:16:18pm

re: #105 Vicious Babushka

From the Reagan Presidential library:
[Link: www.reagan.utexas.edu…]

^ Glancing at the dozens and dozens of celebrity photos, I’m disappointed not to see the classic Nancy Reagan w/ a Mr. T. Santa Claus :P, though I suppose it wasn’t included since the President wasn’t in-frame.

121 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:16:40pm

re: #117 Kragar (Antichrist )

I’m just going to say it.

Every Social Distortion song sounds exactly like every other Social Distortion song.

True, but it’s great bar music.

122 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:16:54pm
123 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:17:37pm

re: #94 Gus

OK. Get ready. Evolution of Liberal Dance by Michelle Malkin.

[Embedded content]

Super derp.

Man, that was painful. It’s so incredibly bad that it almost wraps around and becomes funny. But then it doesn’t. It just goes on and on forever.

I’m not surprised to learn that Michelle Malkin can’t dance, though.

124 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:17:39pm
125 kirkspencer  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:18:51pm

re: #118 Lidane


[Link: support.twitter.com…]

see also:

Spam: You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone. What constitutes “spamming” will evolve as we respond to new tricks and tactics by spammers. Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming are:
If you post duplicate content over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account;

126 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:19:31pm

re: #124 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

It was a cute/endearing moment in FLOTUS history.

127 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:21:04pm

re: #118 Lidane


[Link: support.twitter.com…]

I have noticed these accounts @famblog @InObamaLand and @exposelibtards all posting the exact same Tweet at the same time.

128 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:21:14pm

re: #126 simoom

It was a cute/endearing moment in FLOTUS history.

I find her scary as hell but that was freaking adorable and inclusive of her and a nice “Cram it” to the racists.

129 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:22:17pm

re: #117 Kragar (Antichrist )

I’m just going to say it.

Every Social Distortion song sounds exactly like every other Social Distortion song.

Yeah, but they do it so well. Love me some Social D.

130 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:23:29pm

Texas lawmaker wants to arrest police for enforcing gun control laws

A Texas state representative says that a bill banning the enforcement of any new gun control laws is constitutional because it would only prosecute police and other state officials.

Fox News guest host Peter Johnson Jr. on Monday asked state Rep. Steve Toth (R) why his bill to moot any new federal assault weapons ban would not violate the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which says that state laws are trumped by federal laws.

“This is not a nullification bill,” Toth insisted. “We target a very specific portion of where the Obama administration’s proposed legislation is infringing on our Second Amendment rights, and it only deals with those two things. For example, the size of a magazine and the type of weapon. We’re very specific about it, and we’re not going after federal officials. We’re simply saying state officials within the state of Texas are are not allowed to violate our Second Amendment as it pertains to these two things.”

I’m getting to the point I would support arresting obstructionist politicians.

131 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:23:52pm
132 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:25:14pm

re: #131 Lidane

Thank freaking god. Even just hearing it would have given credence to the case.

133 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:25:58pm

At Hot Air, that comment about murdering the Obamas has now been deleted, and they’re accusing me of faking it.

134 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:26:54pm

re: #133 Charles Johnson

At Hot Air, that comment about murdering the Obamas has now been deleted, and they’re accusing me of faking it.

Always grab a screencap.

135 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:27:00pm
136 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:27:01pm

re: #133 Charles Johnson

At Hot Air, that comment about murdering the Obamas has now been deleted, and they’re accusing me of faking it.

Obviously, because if you noticed it, it must be your fault.

137 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:27:55pm

@famblog @InObamaLand and @exposelibtards again all tweeting in unison. I have spam reported them/it.

138 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:28:03pm

re: #133 Charles Johnson

At Hot Air, that comment about murdering the Obamas has now been deleted, and they’re accusing me of faking it.

Real simple…the should look at the IP address of the comment. But, facts and data are not their strong suit.

139 aagcobb  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:29:04pm

re: #136 Kragar (Antichrist )

Obviously, because if you noticed it, it must be your fault.

Everyone knows that George Soros pays Charles handsomely to hire thousands of sock puppets to post racist comments at conservative blogs to make them look bad./

140 erik_t  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:29:06pm

Has there been a substantial coding change in the last day or so? I’m getting persistent several-second pauses at random times. Other windows are responsive, but even text boxes are unresponsive on LGF during the hangups.

Chrome 25.0.1364.97 on Ubuntu, FYI.

141 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:29:24pm

OK, here ya go. Front page of the New York Times.



Some will understand the context of this. :D

142 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:30:42pm

re: #141 Gus

OK, here ya go. Front page of the New York Times.



Some will understand the context of this. :D

ah, I saw that yesterday.

please explain.

143 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:31:40pm

re: #140 erik_t

No, not really. Nothing that would cause that, as far as I know.

144 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:33:34pm

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Always grab a screencap.

Later in the thread Allahpundit admits it was real.

145 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:33:37pm


146 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:34:16pm

re: #140 erik_t

Has there been a substantial coding change in the last day or so? I’m getting persistent several-second pauses at random times. Other windows are responsive, but even text boxes are unresponsive on LGF during the hangups.

Chrome 25.0.1364.97 on Ubuntu, FYI.

Have you updated adobe flash? I was having hiccups all day until I installed their update and rebooted. My 2 cents.

147 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:34:27pm

re: #141 Gus

OK, here ya go. Front page of the New York Times.



Some will understand the context of this. :D

Meh, that was because it was a big story yesterday when the NYT print edition was put together. It’s already dropped off the front page of the online NYT [Link: www.nytimes.com…]
It’s off the front page of google news [Link: news.google.com…]

NATO issued a blanket denial this morning saying that they’ll look into it. The story’s probably dead.

148 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:34:34pm

re: #137 Vicious Babushka

Twitter Gulag!!

149 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:35:27pm


150 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:35:56pm

re: #145 Vicious Babushka

Ah, yes, quite in contrast to the usual common-people fundraising the SuperPAC GOP does. //

151 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:35:59pm

re: #133 Charles Johnson

At Hot Air, that comment about murdering the Obamas has now been deleted, and they’re accusing me of faking it.

Yeah. Allahpundit and Ed know it’s one of their regulars. I think it was some guy calling himself Machismo. Here’s another one of his comments:

He is black, thats also why his boorish behavior is not only excused but glamorized.
Machismo on February 14, 2013 at 11:50 AM

152 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:37:05pm
153 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:37:14pm
re: #149 Vicious Babushka

When Michelle Obama appeared, out of force of habit, the room of Hollywood celebrities took out their checkbooks.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 25, 2013


Who the f*ck still carries, or let alone uses, a checkbook? More irrelevance from the irrelevant.

154 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:37:17pm

re: #142 FemNaziBitch

Short story is that the Afghan government has called for the end of special forces operations in a province, claiming that there have been extrajudicial activities including torture, detentions, and murders by members of the US special forces there. The US military denies, and the ISAF is also investigating the claims.

Is it possible that the accusations are true? Yes.
Is it also possible that the murders were carried out by insurgents/Taliban? Yes.

Longer story:

In a statement Sunday, a spokesman for Karzai said, “after a thorough discussion, it became clear that armed individuals named as U.S. special force stationed in Wardak province engage in harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people.”

Karzai’s office cited a “recent example” in which nine people allegedly “disappeared” and a separate incident where a student was taken from his home in the middle of the night and whose tortured body was found two days later under a bridge with his throat cut.

U.S. defense officials strongly deny that military personnel condoned, or were involved in, any kidnappings, torture or murders of Afghan civilians or suspects.

In addition to demanding the U.S. pull out in two weeks, Karzai also demanded the immediate cessation of all international special forces operations in Wardak.

155 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:37:43pm

re: #153 Dr. Matt


Who the f*ck still carries, or let alone uses, a checkbook? More irrelevance from the irrelevant.

I still have a checkbook.

156 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:38:12pm

re: #151 Gus

Yeah. Allahpundit and Ed know it’s one of their regulars. I think it was some guy calling himself Machismo. Here’s another one of his comments:

Yep, they know this is their audience. That’s why they post things like that stupid article - to rile up these knuckle-draggers. Then they act shocked when someone posts an outright call for murder.

They shouldn’t be. This is what they’re encouraging.

157 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:38:23pm

re: #145 Vicious Babushka

re: #149 Vicious Babushka

re: #152 Vicious Babushka

158 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:38:53pm

re: #157 Lidane


159 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:38:54pm

re: #152 Vicious Babushka

I bet Ann’s tweeting is increasing the number of RomneyRyan yard signs all over.

160 RadicalModerate  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:39:49pm

All right. I admit it. This is actually kinda freaking cool news for me.

Trent Reznor Announces the Return of Nine Inch Nails: Extensive Touring for 2013 and 2014
“The band is reinventing itself from scratch”

It’s been four years since Nine Inch Nails’ “Wave Goodbye” tour heralded the end of an era for Trent Reznor’s pioneering project. But since that time, Reznor has maintained that NIN wasn’t over forever, just changing focus.

Now, Reznor has announced that Nine Inch Nails will return to action in a big way in 2013. Tours are planned for this summer and fall, all the way into next year. The lineup will include Reznor, Eric Avery of Jane’s Addiction, Adrian Belew of King Crimson, and Josh Eustis of Telefon Tel Aviv, as well as previous NIN collaborators Alessandro Cortini and Ilan Rubin.

That is just one hell of a lineup Reznor has assembled there.

161 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:40:09pm

re: #156 Charles Johnson

Yep, they know this is their audience. That’s why they post things like that stupid article - to rile up these knuckle-draggers. Then they act shocked when someone posts an outright call for murder.

They shouldn’t be. This is what they’re encouraging.

Another about Obama’s inauguration:

I heard that out of the 500,000 who attended the inauguration, only 6 missed work.
Machismo on January 21, 2013 at 8:56 PM

162 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:40:32pm

re: #155 Vicious Babushka

I still have a checkbook.

As do I.

If the choice is pay by check, or pay a “convenience fee” to process an electronic transfer which should cost hundredths of a cent, then they get a check every time.

163 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:41:19pm

re: #155 Vicious Babushka

I still have a checkbook.

Mom? Is that you???? ;-)

164 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:41:27pm

re: #162 Kragar (Antichrist )

As do I.

If the choice is pay by check, or pay a “convenience fee” to process an electronic transfer which should cost hundredths of a cent, then they get a check every time.

I pay a “convenience fee” of 46¢ every time I pay by check.

165 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:41:34pm

re: #161 Gus

Another about Obama’s inauguration:

Well, yeah, having the inauguration on a Federal holiday helped.

166 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:41:50pm

re: #112 Kragar (Antichrist )

Liberty Counsel To Gay Teens: You’re Depressed Because You’re Sinners

Yeah, its totally because they’re sinners, and not because friends and family heap abuse on them because of their sexuality.

Fucking bastard.

I don’t know why but I just went and read that thing and it reads like a Sunday Sermon at WBC. Barber is dense if he thinks this is going to help him win any converts.

167 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:41:54pm

re: #163 Dr. Matt

Mom? Is that you???? ;-)


168 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:42:00pm

re: #160 RadicalModerate

All right. I admit it. This is actually kinda freaking cool news for me.

Trent Reznor Announces the Return of Nine Inch Nails: Extensive Touring for 2013 and 2014
“The band is reinventing itself from scratch”

That is just one hell of a lineup Reznor has assembled there.

Ooh. I’ll buy concert tickets for that.

One of my favorite concerts of all time was when NIN and David Bowie toured together in the 90’s. Awesome gig.

169 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:42:27pm

re: #164 Vicious Babushka

I pay a “convenience fee” of 46¢ every time I pay by check.


You pay for checking?

What is this? COMMUNIST RUSSIA!?!?

170 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:42:39pm

re: #161 Gus

It’s the corollary to Poe’s Law in action: that sincere posters get called imposters because the right wing commentariat has a lot of difficulty dealing with how extreme and unpleasant they actually are.

171 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:42:48pm

re: #160 RadicalModerate

All right. I admit it. This is actually kinda freaking cool news for me.

Trent Reznor Announces the Return of Nine Inch Nails: Extensive Touring for 2013 and 2014
“The band is reinventing itself from scratch”

That is just one hell of a lineup Reznor has assembled there.

Shorter version: Reznor: “I need money!”

172 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:42:52pm

re: #160 RadicalModerate


That’s gonna be kick ass. And he puts on quite the show.

173 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:43:05pm

re: #166 Eclectic Cyborg

I don’t know why but I just went and read that thing and it reads like a Sunday Sermon at WBC. Barber is dense if he thinks this is going to help him win any converts.

Its more likely meant to have the faithful send him some cash to keep up the good work.

174 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:43:24pm

re: #169 Kragar (Antichrist )


You pay for checking?

What is this? COMMUNIST RUSSIA!?!?

That’s the cost of the stamp that I have to attach to the envelope to send in the check. :)

175 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:43:37pm

re: #171 Eclectic Cyborg

Shorter version: Reznor: “I need money!”

Nah. It’s more like “I won an Oscar, bitches! Pay extra for tickets!”

That said, that lineup kicks ass. I’ll pay for it.

176 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:43:44pm

Aaaand, the TGDN SPAMBOTS are released!

177 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:43:52pm

re: #167 Vicious Babushka



My sweet 70-something mother still sends me a card with a check on Easter, Valentines, and Halloween for some reason…..I guess to buy myself chocolates or something.

178 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:44:52pm

Cue the angry, hashtag filled tweets:

179 efuseakay  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:45:10pm

re: #175 Lidane

Nah. It’s more like “I won an Oscar, bitches! Pay extra for tickets!”

That said, that lineup kicks ass. I’ll pay for it.

Depends on who comes to Chicago first… NIN or TOOL (If they ever finish the expected 2013 album). ;)

180 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:45:25pm

re: #174 Vicious Babushka

That’s the cost of the stamp that I have to attach to the envelope to send in the check. :)

Ah, I’ve got a drop box I use. No stamps needed.

181 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:46:08pm

re: #177 Dr. Matt


My sweet 70-something mother still sends me a card with a check on Easter, Valentines, and Halloween for some reason…..I guess to buy myself chocolates or something.

How much is the check for?

182 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:47:27pm

re: #177 Dr. Matt

My sweet 70-something mother still sends me a card with a check on Easter, Valentines, and Halloween for some reason…..I guess to buy myself chocolates or something.

My 70-something mother tells me to go buy myself a card or some sort of gift for the holidays. She doesn’t send money, though. I have to use my own to do it.


183 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:47:43pm

re: #173 Kragar (Antichrist )

And make the faithful feel better about their being completely total assclowns.

184 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:47:52pm

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

Your commenters are still all rats in a latrine, feeding on the slush.

185 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:48:22pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

Projection at its finest.

186 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:48:43pm

re: #181 Vicious Babushka

How much is the check for?

Not much. Usually like 25$ or 50$. I never cash them. She’s retired. I have my own money.

187 geoffm33  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:48:51pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

That makes me feel sad. //

188 RadicalModerate  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:48:56pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

I wonder what his LGF ID was before he got banned?

189 otoc  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:49:31pm

re: #16 Vicious Babushka

Me too. Especially with the false outrage regarding traveling complete with made up numbers. This guy obviously has a not so hidden agenda considering his frequent tweets.
Image: twitter_profile.png
Funny how he links to his dead [Link: www.obamaeatspuppies.com…]

Not so funny for him, considering the public information of whois…
Image: obamaeatspuppies1.png
Image: obamaeatspuppies2.png

I think Mr. Lisella, aka American Patriot, aka Omabaeatspuppies, needs a new line of work as a GOP Strategist…
Image: Lisella_Public_Affairs.png
Image: Lisella_Public_Affairs_Award.png

Pretty pitiful stuff.

190 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:49:38pm

re: #188 RadicalModerate

I wonder what his LGF ID was before he got banned?

He kept the same name I think.
/Not kidding

191 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:49:58pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Do rats eat stuff in latrines? I wouldn’t think so. Rats do have their own latrines, though, they’re really niftily fastidious animals.

192 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:49:58pm

re: #169 Kragar (Antichrist )


You pay for checking?

What is this? COMMUNIST RUSSIA!?!?

In Communist Russia, check cash you!

193 Dr. Matt  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:51:46pm

re: #191 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

Do rats eat stuff in latrines? I wouldn’t think so. Rats do have their own latrines, though, they’re really niftily fastidious animals.

I spent 4 years in the military and never once saw a rat OR slush in any head, latrine, bathroom, etc.

194 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:52:00pm

So, far I’m enjoying the albumn/disc or whatever it’s called these days.

195 Targetpractice  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:52:11pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

Yet, despite all my rage…

196 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:53:42pm

I thought it was an American’s moral duty to report such threats to the Secret Service?

197 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:55:05pm

Fischer Declares That Robert Jeffress Is Now ‘the Most Important Man in America’

After Tim Tebow canceled his scheduled speaking engagement at Robert Jeffress’ church last week, Bryan Fischer lashed out at the “bigoted bullies at Big Gay” who were supposedly responsible for pressuring Tebow into backing down.

Jeffress’ addressed the controversy in a defiant sermon on Sunday that apparently send a thrill up Fischer’s spine, as he played a lengthy excerpt from it on his radio program today … but not before declaring that Jeffress is now “the most important man in America” and predicting that the Tebow controversy represents a “turning point in the culture war; we perhaps have bottomed out and with Dr. Jeffress taking such a strong and unapologetic stand for the truth, maybe we are beginning now to climb out of the abyss”:

I think a crash and burn is more likely.

198 Targetpractice  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:56:11pm

re: #178 Lidane

Cue the angry, hashtag filled tweets:

Tomorrow’s gonna be hilarious.

199 aagcobb  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:56:31pm

re: #197 Kragar (Antichrist )

Fischer Declares That Robert Jeffress Is Now ‘the Most Important Man in America’

I think a crash and burn is more likely.

He is reassuring his audience they are still “real America” and not a dying, hate filled minority.

200 simoom  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:56:39pm

Buzzfeed has a brief write-up on some of the previous appearances by Presidents & FLOTUSes at the Oscars:

[Link: www.buzzfeed.com…]

FDR gave a six-minute radio address from the White House during the 13th Academy Awards, in which he paid tribute to Hollywood’s stars, directors, and producers.

President Ronald Reagan made a video cameo at the 53rd Academy Awards in 1980.

First Lady Laura Bush appeared at the 74th Annual Academy Awards in 2002. She participated in a taped segment.

Michelle’s appearance was nothing new, but people still freaked out, calling it “inappropriate.”

201 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:58:22pm

re: #200 simoom

Buzzfeed has a brief write-up on some of the previous appearances by Presidents & FLOTUSes at the Oscars:

[Link: www.buzzfeed.com…]


202 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:59:15pm

re: #200 simoom

Buzzfeed has a brief write-up on some of the previous appearances by Presidents & FLOTUSes at the Oscars:

[Link: www.buzzfeed.com…]


203 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:00:14pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

Just so you know, this is what Hot Air commenter “Shadenfreude” thinks of all of you:

Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage…

204 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:01:22pm

re: #203 Eclectic Cyborg

Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage…

205 Bulworth  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:01:27pm

re: #200 simoom

Wingnuts don’t care about that. The Obamas are Democrats and blah people on top of that.

206 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:02:02pm

re: #168 Lidane

Ooh. I’ll buy concert tickets for that.

One of my favorite concerts of all time was when NIN and David Bowie toured together in the 90’s. Awesome gig.

I saw NiN on the Pretty Hate Machine tour, and haven’t seen them since. I’d go to this one to see what Belew would bring to the party. Wicked inventive guitarist.

207 Charles Johnson  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:03:49pm

re: #206 makeitstop

I saw NiN on the Pretty Hate Machine tour, and haven’t seen them since. I’d go to this one to see what Belew would bring to the party. Wicked inventive guitarist.

Adrian Belew has actually been playing on Trent Reznor’s albums since The Downward Spiral.

208 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:04:29pm

re: #206 makeitstop

Saw ‘em at Woodstock and was blown away. I’ve seen his later tours on video, and they’re just amazing visuals. Does stuff you don’t see anywhere else. And the music is just out of sight. Not sure if the Mrs. would go (she likes some of the studio work, but knows the live stuff would be too much for her), but I’ve got a few friends who’d surely go.

209 RadicalModerate  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:04:49pm

North Carolina once again shows that it is having trouble finding its way out of the 19th Century.

College Rape Survivor Faces Potential Expulsion For ‘Intimidating’ Her Rapist

Last month, former University of North Carolina assistant dean of students Melinda Manning, three students and one former student filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights on behalf of themselves and 64 other unnamed sexual assault survivors, alleging that university officials pressured Manning into underreporting cases and violated the Campus Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights, the Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and equal opportunity mandates under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Now sophomore Landen Gambill, one of the students named in the case, says she’s being punished by the Office of Student Conduct for “intimidating” her rapist by speaking to the press about her sexual assault.

It is worth noting that she has not publicly named the person who assaulted her - however that hasn’t stopped the university from going forward with their threats:

If UNC’s Honor Court finds that Landen had indeed “intimidated” her rapist and “adversely” affected his life she could be subject to the following sanctions:

Expulsion (precludes matriculation at any UNC constituent institution)

Permanent Suspension

Definite or Indefinite Suspension

Definite or Indefinite Probation

Written Warning

Grade Penalty

Educational Assignment

Conduct Sanctions (such as community service and restitution)

Loss of Privileges

Landen said that she attended a preliminary Honor Court meeting and asked whether she could have violated the Honor Code simply by saying she was raped; the answer was yes.

“This type of gross injustice is the reason why UNC students are speaking out and demanding answers,” Landen told us. “The reason why I’m so vocal about this isn’t because I just want justice for my case. I want to make sure no one else has to go through this if they want to report an assault to the university.”

210 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:05:27pm

re: #194 FemNaziBitch

So, far I’m enjoying the albumn/disc or whatever it’s called these days.

That’s the band he’s got with his wife. The next NiN will no doubt be very different.

211 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:05:59pm
212 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:08:18pm

re: #207 Charles Johnson

Adrian Belew has actually been playing on Trent Reznor’s albums since The Downward Spiral.

I did not know that. /Carson

The last time I saw Belew live was at a weekend-long School of Rock show in Asbury Park, where his backing musicians were a brother and sister who had graduated from SoR.

213 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:09:13pm

Image: MakingFriends_pb.jpg

A soldier tries to entice a stray cat to come a little closer in Khan al-Assal on Nov. 10, 2012. (REUTERS/Zain Karam)

214 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:11:43pm

re: #210 makeitstop

That’s the band he’s got with his wife. The next NiN will no doubt be very different.

I know, I’m still enjoying it.

215 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:13:29pm

re: #211 Lidane

“An independent study of the federal funding for abortion providers is necessary to further expose the truth of how these precious taxpayer dollars are truly being used,”

Precious TaxPayer Dollars that are’t in our control

216 Decatur Deb  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:14:06pm

Weather map made me think of Reine—looks like she’s getting pounded.

217 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:14:36pm
218 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:15:07pm

re: #206 makeitstop

I saw NiN on the Pretty Hate Machine tour, and haven’t seen them since. I’d go to this one to see what Belew would bring to the party. Wicked inventive guitarist.

This was the Bowie tour I saw. NIN were the co-headliners, and they’d transition between sets by playing the Bowie song “Subterraneans” then going into “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps”, like so:

219 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:15:09pm

Glenn Beck: James Dobson’s new book almost exactly like ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’

In that they both consist of sheets pressed wood pulp, bound together, with words printed on them. I expect that is where any similarities end.

220 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:15:51pm

re: #215 FemNaziBitch

Drudge is busy bitching simultaneously that the feds are selling another percentage stake in GM and then complaining that Government Motors is contemplating giving the guys in charge a raise.

GM is expected to be a money-loser for TARP, but the other portions have made money for the feds - primarily the bank bailouts in interest payments.

The feds could make a profit if the stock rose to about $70, but that kind of valuation isn’t likely anytime soon with it trading around $26.

221 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:15:53pm

re: #219 Kragar (Antichrist )

Glenn Beck: James Dobson’s new book almost exactly like ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’

In that they both consist of sheets pressed wood pulp, bound together, with words printed on them. I expect that is where any similarities end.

Both have letters and punctuation.

222 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:16:48pm

re: #219 Kragar (Antichrist )

Glenn Beck: James Dobson’s new book almost exactly like ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’

In that they both consist of sheets pressed wood pulp, bound together, with words printed on them. I expect that is where any similarities end.

I don’t get that at all.

223 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:17:43pm

re: #220 lawhawk

Drudge is busy bitching simultaneously that the feds are selling another percentage stake in GM and then complaining that Government Motors is contemplating giving the guys in charge a raise.

GM is expected to be a money-loser for TARP, but the other portions have made money for the feds - primarily the bank bailouts in interest payments.

The feds could make a profit if the stock rose to about $70, but that kind of valuation isn’t likely anytime soon with it trading around $26.

The banking industry gave themselves huge bonuses from TARP and did not even create any jrrrbz while they were at it.

224 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:17:55pm
225 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:18:26pm

re: #47 kirkspencer

This one. Those are American military uniforms. It’s just that most people don’t see the Mess uniform very often.

White dress mess? Those are seriously cool uniforms. I always loved the Dress Blues the army had too. Wonder if they got changed with going to blue for the Class A uniform again? Off to wiki…

226 Lidane  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:19:01pm
227 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:19:51pm
Dobson’s book Fatherless, on the other hand, weaves a fiction about a reporter in the year 2042 who’s faced with a world full of younger people who simply do not want to have children, leaving the old to vastly outnumber the young, resulting in the popularization of euthanasia for elderly people.

“We’re not only talking about abortion, we’re talking about infanticide,” the 76 year old told Beck. “We’re talking about euthanasia. And all of that is becoming acceptable. We’re going to redefine life, and that’s what we talk about in this book.”

Yeah, because humanity is in danger because people don’t want kids anymore.

Fucktarded seems a better description of the book.

228 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:24:27pm

re: #227 Kragar (Antichrist )

Yeah, because humanity is in danger because people don’t want kids anymore.

Fucktarded seems a better description of the book.

What kind of crazy has he been smokin’?

229 Gus  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:25:58pm

re: #227 Kragar (Antichrist )

Yeah, because humanity is in danger because people don’t want kids anymore.

Fucktarded seems a better description of the book.

Image: James-Dobson.jpg

230 wrenchwench  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:27:15pm

re: #190 Killgore Trout

He kept the same name I think.
/Not kidding

Back when he knew how to spell?


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231 makeitstop  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:28:23pm

re: #218 Lidane

This was the Bowie tour I saw. NIN were the co-headliners, and they’d transition between sets by playing the Bowie song “Subterraneans” then going into “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps”, like so:

[Embedded content]

That was great. I’d heard that version of ‘Scary Monsters’ before, but I’ve never seen the video. Thanks!

232 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:29:31pm

re: #160 RadicalModerate

That is awesome news. Just hope that whatever they do, they don’t try and go majorly mainstream. One of the things that made NIN great was the fact that they weren’t like everyone else.

233 Kragar (Antichrist )  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:31:10pm
234 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:32:08pm

re: #233 Kragar (Antichrist )

Boehner: Obama Using Service Members As ‘Campaign Props’

haters have short memories

235 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:32:27pm

re: #233 Kragar (Antichrist )

Boehner: Obama Using Service Members As ‘Campaign Props’

aircraft carrier landing…flight suit…mission accomplished. ‘nuff said.

236 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:35:19pm


237 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:38:30pm

re: #160 RadicalModerate

All right. I admit it. This is actually kinda freaking cool news for me.

Trent Reznor Announces the Return of Nine Inch Nails: Extensive Touring for 2013 and 2014
“The band is reinventing itself from scratch”

That is just one hell of a lineup Reznor has assembled there.

Eh, I can’t get too excited; his work never did much for me. Hope he make lots of money but I can think of a lot of other shows I’d rather see. The current Garbage tour for one or Lydia Loveless (punk country - Yippie ky yay!)

238 sagehen  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 1:42:06pm

That dress was the best thing she’s worn in months. Outstanding. I don’t even have anywhere to wear such a thing, but I want one anyway, just to pet it and cuddle it.

Image: 7580150_mowenn585.jpg

239 sagehen  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 2:03:54pm

re: #219 Kragar (Antichrist )

Glenn Beck: James Dobson’s new book almost exactly like ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’

In that they both consist of sheets pressed wood pulp, bound together, with words printed on them. I expect that is where any similarities end.

And they’re both based in the mid-19th century.

240 Pawn of the Oppressor  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 2:26:52pm

re: #233 Kragar (Antichrist )

Boehner: Obama Using Service Members As ‘Campaign Props’

Engage right-wing translate-o-tron


241 Shvaughn  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 3:04:49pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

The poll results are revealing. Most don;t really care if he’s gay or if the rumors are true as long as it damages him.

That’s not what it says, as usual. Why you lie so much, Trout?

242 Tigger2  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 3:31:44pm

re: #211 Lidane

Maybe we should raise taxes to pay for that study.

243 BroncD  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 4:27:52pm

In what universe is Michelle Obama considered “fat?”
What does a thin person look like to these wingnuts? She’s not just NOT fat, she’s in amazing shape.
They are truly blinded by hate.

244 Decider  Mon, Feb 25, 2013 6:29:36pm

This is what the Republican Entertainment Complex has turned the Republican party into. My guess is they do not win a national election in our lifetime unless the Democrats put up someone so repulsive we can not stand to look at him/her.

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