
‘New Black Panther’ Case Inquiry Released - Verdict: Bogus

A Justice Dept. inquiry finds no evidence to support right wing claims of anti-white ‘racism’
April 2011
re: #154 Alouette I don't believe this (Or, rather, I know you're telling the truth - I just don't want to believe it). You can't make stuff like this up. That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ...

Hateblogger Pamela Geller Testifying for Alaskan ‘Anti-Sharia’ Idiocy

Deranged bigot invited to testify before Alaskan House
March 2011
re: #34 SanFranciscoZionist I think they're just incredibly stupid and nasty racists, this nationalism paranoid stuff always boils down to race, not country

Sarah Palin Wonders If We’re in a ‘Squirmish’

Half-governor mangles English language yet again
March 2011
What's more frightening, a private citizen referring to Obama's Libya war as a "squirmish" during a television interview, or the Obama Administration referring to it as "kinetic military action," initiated without Congressional approval?

Pastor Hagee’s Rapture Novel Goes Hollywood

Crazed fundamentalist End Times paranoia with special FX
March 2011
I just want to say, that as a Jew, I'm glad the Jerusalem Countdown was made, complete with CGI and the bionic man. Its storyline promises to provide comedy writers, most of whom are Jewish, rich material for at least ...