Such reliable sources! No wonder Fox settled the Dominion suit!

Trump’s “Stolen Election” Lie Based on Evidence From Pervy Bathroom Cam-Spy

Only the best people

OK, this really takes the cake. If you have relatives that still cling to the “election was stolen, dadgum, I jes’ KNOW IT … This should be a slight remedy to the stubborn madness More here:

In which John Nolte briefly acknowledges reality, and immediately drives his mental car into the ditch, indulging in pure projection anger fantasies of dire left-wing plots to murder all White Christians. OK, then ...
Millennials really don't understand that "the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
Jim Hoft is desperate to appease his screaming, delusional audience with comforting lies. Unfortunately for him, CyberNinjas refuse to go along.
Military & counter-terrorism know how to find people. Let's set them loose on online trolls.
Beltway Journalists fan themselves and clutch pearls when the plain Truth is uttered, but the numbers are in: Trump Supporters are racist, violent fascists. DUH!!
Toxic narcissists fear public mockery and humiliation more than death. Keep this in mind. Trump would rather die than be exposed as a loser.