
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

zombie5/02/2009 10:43:00 am PDT
The extreme right white supremacist British National Party could be on track to win six seats in June’s European elections—which would entitle these cretins to get funding from the European Union.

The British National party could transform British politics and get up to 2m from the EU if the main political parties fail to prevent the far right organisation from winning six seats in the European elections in June…
In an article for the Guardian, Hain warns: “Winning European seats would secure an unprecedented platform, and entitle the BNP to draw down hundreds of thousands of euros from Brussels i/strong>indirectly to buttress their full-time personnel and organisation.

Yet more evidence why the parliamentary system is a steaming pile of cr*p. Taxpayers become compelled to fund the activities of fringe parties. Since fringe parties are, well, on the fringe, the vast majority of the populace disagrees with their platforms. But with the idiotic EU-style “public funding” of parliamentary democracy, even the most hateful or moronic groups are given mountains of free money — from the very voters who hate them.

I realize that the EU system was set up to neutralize the flaws in the standard democracy — i.e. corruption of political parties by the big financial donors, and the near-impossibility of minor parties to challenge the leading parties — but from my perspective the parliamentary-style system causes more problems than it solves.