
Overnight Open Thread

dmjboose4/30/2009 9:21:31 am PDT

Hello everyone! I was over at redstate reading about people who say they want Obama to fail. It got me thinking about what they really meant and what people think they mean. I was going to comment over there, but I don’t have a login, so here’s my two cents (it might even be a nickle) on the matter.

when people hear that Republicans want Obama to fail (i’ve heard Republicans say this) they think that Republicans want him to be unsuccessful. Duh. But what would it mean for Obama to be unsuccessful? That would mean that his policies would make America worse off than before he came into office. So no. We don’t want Obama to fail. We don’t want his policies to fail. What we DO want is for none of his policies to be put in place because they will most likely destroy our country. We also don’t want people to be lulled by a short-term impression that his policies are working when they are undermining the foundations of the country. So don’t say “I hope Obama fails.” Instead say “I hope he never passes a bill.”

This is more of a communication problem than anything else. Make sure that what you’re saying makes sense from the other person’s perspective. Don’t say things that will only make sense if you share an ideology. that’s not very helpful.

Finally, I hope the lizards over here don’t get too riled up about people saying they want obama to fail. Yes, they are idiots for saying it, but they’re usually comming from the right direction. Maybe I’m misguided, but I think that if you explained rationally to them why they shouldn’t say that (not in a parental tone, but as a peer) that they would understand.