
Polish Acoustic Guitar Phenom Marcin: Paganini's Caprice No. 5 on One Guitar

7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)12/29/2021 8:02:01 am PST

re: #106 steve_davis

there is apparently some kind of 20 year window. at least that is what my friend seems to believe. the problem with forgiving even a portion of student loans is that you then incentivize universities to up tuition, with the idea that part of it will be forgiven down the road for students. When I was seriously considering law school, more than one author of “what to expect as an L1” bemoaned the fact that when they went to law school in the early 80’s, they didn’t have to take out any loans, or the loans they took were minimal, whereas now it costs 250k to get through a fourth tier program. The reason is that there are lots of and lots of ways now to get loans for law school, so law schools have simply bumped up tuition costs, year after year.

I feel so guilty, at times, that I had a full tuition scholarship to Michigan Law in the late ‘70s.