
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

FurryOldGuyJeans5/02/2009 10:49:04 am PDT

re: #102 neverquit

In my opinion, the proven documented history of Asia clearly and distinctly demonstrates that the Chinese, in particular, were more advanced in terms of language, art, religions, philosophy and engineering than the west.


That does not mean they are better now of course. Now, they merely are a tick and leech on the west.

And yet did the Chinese expand their empire and try to become a world power? Nope.

Chinese engineering was actually quite stagnant. Once a certain goal was achieved that was it, no more innovation. Usually mandated by the Mandarins or the Emperor. There was not thirst for knowing simply for knowledge’s sake.

What were and are the dominant languages spoken throughout the world the last couple of centuries? They certainly have not been Eastern ones.