
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

Occasional Reader5/02/2009 10:51:23 am PDT

re: #102 neverquit

In my opinion, the proven documented history of Asia clearly and distinctly demonstrates that the Chinese, in particular, were more advanced in terms of language, art, religions, philosophy and engineering than the west.

I’d say that was true from the fall of the Roman Empire, up until the early 15th Century.

Now, they merely are a tick and leech on the west.

I really can’t agree with that statement.

I certainly don’t like the system the Chinese have developed for themselves, but it’s hard to deny that they have become a powerhouse. Look around for how many objects in your house are made there. And with the sheer number of scientists and engineers they’ve been cranking out, look for them to increasingly be inventors and innovators.