
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton4/30/2009 9:53:27 am PDT

re: #1131 dmjboose

Ok I went to Rush’s site. And he’s making the exact same error that I talked about in my first post. I understand why. He’s trying to make life difficult for Obama, which he should be doing. But he doesn’t want American to fail through Obama. He does not hope, for example, that the stimulus bill (law?) hurts America now that it’s been passed. He just knows that it will. Here’s a quote that sums up the issue.

“They didn’t give Bush a chance in 2000. Before he was inaugurated the search-and-destroy mission had begun. I’m not talking about search-and-destroy, but I’ve been listening to Barack Obama for a year-and-a-half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed.

Yes, he goes on to say “I hope Obama fails.” But it’s because the guy knows what Obama’s policies will do. He never once implies that he hopes America is hurt during the Obama presidency. Instead he just hopes that Obama fails… to turn America into a socialist state.

I don’t see the harm in this. I think he could say it more clearly, but it certainly doesn’t mean that he’s jumped off the deep end.

It’s really simple. If Obama’s policies fail, the country will fail. Ergo. You are extrapolating what Rush is saying and trying to delve into his mind and tell us what he is “really” thinking. I prefer to take the man at his word. Why won’t you?