
Trump Picks Fox News Anti-Muslim Blonde Birther to Speak for the US Treasury

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/25/2019 8:26:35 pm PDT

Oh Boy! Jordan Peterson Wants Us Ladies To Go On A Maternal Adventure! (Wonkette, more at the link):

Hey! Remember Jordan Peterson? He is back! And this time, he’s not talking about lobsters, but is rather on some kind of jag about how us uterus-havers need to be having babies in order to fulfill our true purpose in life, and not-not having babies because of climate change. Oh joy.

In a recent convo with Bishop Robert Barron (who Wikipedia tells me is an “auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles” who founded “Word on Fire Catholic Ministries,” whatever that is) that was breathlessly reported on this week by both Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire and the forced birth site Life Site News, Peterson waxed on about evil feminists who are going around telling other women that they are cruel for wanting to have children and fulfill their “moral obligation” to have a “maternal adventure.”