
Overnight Open Thread

bolivar4/30/2009 9:58:52 am PDT

re: #1089 Walter L. Newton

Give the entire story Walter - he has explained this repeatedly. He wants his policies (therefore him) to fail and they are likely to do just that. They will not work - nationalization of anything is not going to fly. When people find out how badly the UAW runs Chrysler and that you get what you pay for nobody will buy a car from them. The banks sorely regret ever taking the TARP money and now the messiah will not take their money back. I am so sorry this assclown ever got even the nomination let alone elected. The rest of the country will be and it will be too late I am afraid. At least Limbaugh is trying to make people aware - with humor when it is appropriate and flat out calling it as he sees it when not.