
Chris Christie's Debate Prediction

Gus9/30/2012 2:37:36 pm PDT

re: #116 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

The pertinent clip about Ann Dunham from “Dreams of My Real Father.”

[Embedded content]

“Obama’s mother posed for racy pictures 49 years ago and therefore he is a communist!” Huh?

It does not even look like her to me, the face is too wide and something else I can’t put my finger on about her face just doesn’t mesh. Whatever, I’m sure everyone on the Right is thoroughly shocked and disgusted by these images. After all it isn’t as if tens of millions of other woman have posed for photos without any clothes on in this country, just her!

Aren’t those “racy photo” fake? Anyway, how about that Scott Brown aye?

Image: image6126747x.jpg

Fucking Republicans.