
Why I Parted Ways With The Right

Gus12/01/2009 1:23:56 am PST

re: #1255 iceweasel

Very interesting…I suspect you and I have noticed many of the same things and drawn many of the same conclusions, down to certain buzzwords and all. Love the term pre-flounce rhetoric! — There does seem to be a certain mindset and rhetoric that goes along with the flounce. Interesting how it is obvious to some but not to others.
Often it manifests as increasing hostility to posters perceived to be standins for Charles on some issue. Eventually they show up at the Village of the Banned spewing vile things about Charles (and finally ‘liberated’ to start spouting their true feelings, invariably extremist shit of one form or another) and engaging in other lovely behaviour like throwing the “c” word around.
And then several ‘left behind’ will say, “Oh, why did beloved Dipshit get banned?”—when various others could tell that beloved Dipshit really was a terrible person all along, as subsequent posting behaviour bears out.

The times they are a-changin.

I went through that several times. As far as the “stand in” routine it’s gotten miles better that it’s beyond description. In fact it’s rare that it happens today since a more mature or realistic tone has taken over but it still occurs every so often and in a way I find it cynically entertaining. I also saw a couple of folks go to the village of the damned and turn into monsters that I never would have expected. Ever since then I’ve been reluctant to share my email. I do however ignore that whole lot completely since I find it rather immature and full of mental illnesses.