
Sen. Marco Rubio Scolds and Expels DREAM Protesters

Nerdy Fish8/26/2014 5:56:26 pm PDT

re: #11 austin_blue

Exactly. If even *one* of the Full Metal Wingnuts who ran against Romney last time hadn’t sequentially imploded, there’s a fair-to-middlin chance Mittens wouldn’t have gotten the nod. And it’s much worse for ‘16. A pro-business Trad Republican doesn’t really stand a chance in this environment, it seems to me. Certainly not in the South.

And the thing is, if such a dumbass were to survive to win the nomination, they would have to make a hard swerve to the left to be anything resembling electable - and that would alienate their base and torpedo their chances. So they’re screwed either way: Take a hard-right line, win the nomination, and get completely shafted in the general election; or take a hard-right line just to win the nomination, swerve back to center-right, and get shanked by your own party because you went all soft and liberal on them.