
Newt Gingrich's Soft, Fuzzy Side:

Gus12/29/2011 7:53:09 pm PST

re: #119 BigPapa


Well, you know I was cool with it for quite a while. But they really have gone off the deep end with Wikileaks, Assange, Manning and “anonymous.” Now Wikileaks alone as it was originally established served a purpose. Now most of this seems to be only focused on the government of the USA — IOW what’s seemingly a never ending narrative of anti-Americanism extending into, ironically, a good dose of ODS. And it extended into this wide and vast movement covering everything from Arabs to Zionism or “global change.” It was supposed to be about “Wall Street.” They derailed their own movement. And that doesn’t cover the police antics and focus on “occupying” parkland and not much else at all.