
Crazy Eyes Bachmann: Obama Peddling 'Crack Cocaine of Dependency'

Areopagitica9/30/2013 6:26:05 pm PDT

I think we can conclude that she is the dumbest person in the world. And that’s being nice to Sarah Palin. I would like to think that the people in her district who elected her would be severely embarrassed by her pablum but they probably lap up just about everything that comes out of her speak-hole.

Can someone explain to me why the (t)GOP suddenly hates trying to reform health care and health insurance in this country? If they are such lovers of capitalism, on what planet do they think it’s socially and economically acceptable for massive amounts of people to file for bankruptcy should they suffer a severe illness or injury and to promote an expensive, manipulated and partially wasteful system? Does this party really just want to create another sub-population of financially ruined citizens?