
Our Friends the Saudis

_RememberTonyC5/30/2009 12:57:50 pm PDT

re: #143 Tom Kratman

Ah yes, memories….sneaking up to the wall, bright flaming books written by dead white males tracing arcs overhead…then the desperate leap to the barbed wire, cutting, carefully cutting, my way through…the tracker dogs howling and baying in the distance…

It was actually a nice state until a) the voting age was dropped to 18 and b) a Supreme Court decision overturned Massachusetts’ residency requirements, which allowed half a million or so college students, most voting straight Marxist-Leninist ticket, to vote. It had been considered a liberal state before that, but wasn’t really all that liberal. After, it became Moscow on the Charles.

And, yes, I resent the hell out of it. Bastards stole my state and, more importantly, my city.

Connecticut is a nice alternative … our Dems are a bit more sane. And when Chris Dodd runs next year, he faces a lot of angry Nutmeg State voters and could be in a real dogfight.
I hope he loses.