
A Surreal Dystopian Fable About Late Stage Capitalism: "The Employment"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/06/2023 5:40:12 am PDT

re: #150 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

GOP has us convinced those people are going to be sent out to remove religious tax exemptions and nickel-and-dime small businesses to death.

GOP is also aware that a lot of groups deserve to have those tax exemptions removed.

My personal preference would be to level the playing field, remove the exemption for religious reasons, and make them follow the same rules as an other 501(c) non-profit. Many places also grant some property tax breaks to non-profits and charities to allow them to support a small headquarters building or two. But you don’t get to build the huge reserves of non-taxable real estate that some have collected.

(Aside) I find this “issue” sort of interesting since one reason Henry VIII went Protestant was to get the opportunity to seize a bunch of Church lands that could otherwise not be taxed. It’s also a basis (to a degree) for an early Black Adder episode.