
Onion: Congress Deals with Bat Problem

ladycatnip9/22/2009 1:29:20 pm PDT

OT - the arrogance of this administration knows no bounds.

Steven Chiu - Americans are like teenage kids when it comes to energy.

When it comes to greenhouse-gas emissions, Energy Secretary Steven Chu sees Americans as unruly teenagers and the Administration as the parent that will have to teach them a few lessons. [snip] Still, Secretary Chu said he didn’t think that the public would throw the same political temper tantrum over climate legislation has has happened with the healthcare debate.

Since when has any administration thought of themselves as our parent? Creepy. And temper tantrums? The dems are the ones who called dissent patriotic not long ago. So patronizing.

Here comes the spinmasters:

An update: Energy Department spokesman Dan Leistikow added: “Secretary Chu was not comparing the public to teenagers. He was saying that we need to educate teenagers about ways to save energy. He also recognized the need to educate the broader public about how important clean energy industries are to our competitive position in the global economy. He believes public officials do have an obligation to make their case to the American people on major legislation, and that’s what he’s doing.”

They really DO think we’re stupid.