
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 11:58:09 pm PST

re: #1522 Unakite

First, I do. Second, you (not personal you, just general you) are trying to take a small trend over a limited period of time (geologically) and extrapolate the end of mankind, but don’t address the possibility of this being a statistically insignificant variation in longer-term cycles.

In essence, you are saying that the earth should be cooling in a Milankovitch cycle and warming over the last century is significant (and proves global warming), But the trend has been cooling over the last decade and that’s insignificant (and still proves global warming).

No I said a great deal more than that. I actually laid out the whole story pretty well. Do they not teach geology people basic physics any more? I laid out very clearly how CO2 is a GHG and it drives the warming and I further gave you multiple links as to the feedbacks and the consequences. You are just being a troll now.

If you are an actual scientist, then read the science. People in science know when to read things they know nothing of before commenting.