
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

yma o hyd5/02/2009 10:04:09 am PDT

Quoting from above:
‘In an article for the Guardian, Hain warns: “Winning European seats would secure an unprecedented platform, and entitle the BNP to draw down hundreds of thousands of euros from Brussels indirectly to buttress their full-time personnel and organisation. With unemployment and job insecurity rising, with some major construction sites appearing to bar local unionised labour, and affordable housing in short supply, these are classic conditions for the BNP’s racist and fascist politics to thrive.”’
(My emphasis)

And whose fault is that, Mr Hain?
Who has been governing this country for 12 years, and not only did nothing but created the conditions for this fascist scum to thrive?
Who has been calling Tories and their supporters ‘fascists’, and who has labelled anybone who tried to stand up for local people as ‘racists’, never mind that they only criticised the NuLab government?

Its not as if its totally unknown in Europe, that such conditions allow those like the BNP supporters to thrive.
So where was, where is the NuLab leadership, where were the NuLAb policies to prevent this?
Nowhere, Mr Hain! Nowhere, for 12 years, while you and your colleagues got rich on taxpayers’ money.