
Wednesday Night Open: Baby Trashes Bar

Dark_Falcon2/16/2011 8:40:18 pm PST

re: #148 engineer dog

i come from a family of doctors and lawyers, college educated folks

it was drilled into me at an early age that just because i had a college education and wore a suit to work that i should never, never look down on anybody else who had a job

and that goes double for people who have jobs that call for them to risk their lives

I’m not looking down on cops or firefighters. What I am is sick of a system where the union demands pay and benefits increases that aren’t really affordable and goes to war with politicians who refuse. It’s not like auto workers: If you make cars, you can strike for a better pay but you don’t get to decide who owns the company. Public sector unions by contrast work to elect politicians of their choosing into office, then those office holders give them more goodies. I think that a corrupt bargain.