
And Now, a Joyous Tiny Desk Concert by Chicano Batman

Blind Frog Belly White4/29/2017 8:10:22 pm PDT

Turns out you bastards all ran off upstairs while I was writing. So here!

re: #180 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Our lawn consists of juniper bushes in the front and concrete around some tree landscaping in the back. mr. klys did not want a high maintenance lawn. (I keep fantasizing about changing it to something else low maintenance but…)

I’d love to put in some raised beds in the backyard, but the reality is that I have no idea how long we’re going to stay here and the dirt would be a decent chunk of $$$ so I opted against it for this year. If it looks like we’re still going to be here through next summer, I may work on it then and see about adding in a split to the irrigation pipe in the back that I installed with my dad so that I can put in some drip irrigation into there as well.

In the meantime, pots.

We had a lawn in front, but when the drought started, we ripped it out and covered it in mulch. One problem is that when MOST people do that, they put down landscape cloth, so that the weeds don’t grow. Not Mrs. FBW! No, she HATES landscape cloth, and insisted we’d just pull the weeds when they came up, till they finally gave up trying.

Turn out by ‘We’, she meant ME. So, this afternoon, I spent two hours pulling grass tufts. Enough to fill the Big Green Compost Bin from Recology. Probably 150# of that shit. This is after pulling TWO big green bins full of thistles in the back yard two weeks ago!

I like weeding better than gardening, oddly enough. Weeding is satisfying. It restores order and gives one the brief hope that one can actually control something.