
Lawrence, Live on the Bus: "23"

Belafon3/15/2024 10:00:00 pm PDT

re: #13 Dr Lizardo

So, Boeing can’t find the actual paperwork of who did the work and who signed off on it, all the security tapes were overwritten and now the whistleblower is dead on the very day he was supposed to give a deposition.

Someone get me in touch with a producer from A24, because I’ve got a story pitch. “It’s gonna be like one of those great ’70s conspiracy thrillers, ya know, like The Parallax View or Three Days of the Condor, but ripped from today’s headlines!”

I’m not a conspiracy type, but even to my skeptical mind, this looks hinky as all hell.

I think it’s time for the government to start finding other defense companies to do their work.