
New From Keith Olbermann: Which of Trump's Cronies Will Flip on Him First?

Targetpractice3/27/2017 7:09:26 pm PDT

re: #161 Brian J.

There are many doors in this world, and most of them don’t care about the American government. If nothing else, Vlad’ll give him a nice sinecure… or a polonium cocktail if he refuses.

But not all of them are as profitable as selling overpriced garbage to dumb Americans.

The GOP doesn’t give a damn because its voters don’t give a damn. They believe in white supremacy so absolutely that there is NOTHING they could do to shake them. They’d gleefully sign up to a dictatorship or foreign occupation if there was enough Strange Fruit in the trees.

They’ll give a damn when their first polls come in next year and they’re running far thinner margins than they were last go around. The Freedom Caucus crowd doesn’t give a fuck, they could drop their drawers and piss on the audience and get reelected. But guys like Ryan or Issa who hail from purple and blue districts? They’re suddenly going to acquire a lump in their collective throats when they realize that being best buds with the Vulgar Talking Yam is acting like lead on their poll numbers.