
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

MacDuff5/02/2009 11:37:35 am PDT

re: #162 _RememberTonyC

europe is soooooooo fucked … some sort of war is looming.

It’s like some sort of Euro-amnesia. Much of Europe never had to suffer the full measure for their tolerance of fascism after WWII. The US rebuilt much of Europe and protected it. In retrospect, should we have? Yes, I think so; a war-torn, rubble strewn Europe without any aid or direction would have been inhumane, would have not been in our best interests and would probably have been even more problematic.

Alas, we created an environment where every weird political philosophy was allowed to grow and flourish and fascism, the weed that we thought long dead, has sprouted once again. Now it’s embraced by a new generation that seems to be unaware (or uncaring) that this is the very philosophy brought their very continent to the brink of oblivion a mere 70 years ago.