
John Oliver Looks Into PFAS, a Dangerous Chemical You Probably Didn't Know About

Nojay UK10/04/2021 1:13:17 pm PDT

If your business, if your paycheck depends on a single media channel like Facebook it’s a single point of failure that will fail on you some time.

Guy I know, he runs a small business in the US. The office/factory/distribution plant has three redundant internet connections to the outside world starting with a dedicated commercial fibre link, a SOHO cable modem and as a final fallback a 4G wireless modem. They only discovered recently they were relying on the 4G modem when they noticed a Zoom call was laggy. Someone in the office had accidentally unplugged the cable modem in the office the day before a drunk in a truck wiped out the fibre cabinet on the outskirts of the industrial park.

They’re still in business.