
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

po8crg5/02/2009 2:15:57 pm PDT

A few warnings about this:

1. The Anti-Nazi League is a Communist front organisation, run by the Socialist Worker Party. It wasn’t in the seventies when people like Peter Hain were in it, but when the NF collapsed in 1980-1, the SWP spent the eighties being the only people in the organisation and stealing all the money.

If you want a trustworthy, non-Communist, anti-racist organisation in the UK, Searchlight is the best you’re likely to get. There are communists in Searchlight, but they’re not in control.

2. Labour are notorious for trying to talk up the BNP in order to get disillusioned working-class traditionally Labour voters to turn out and vote. Sometimes it backfires and the BNP wins; but it works often enough that anything Labour say about the BNP should come with a huge pinch of salt.

As a Lib Dem, I’d say that the BNP have about a 50-50 chance at getting one MEP in the North West, which is supposed to be their best seat. I don’t think it actually is their best seat - they will get one in London much more easily than in NW. I would guess at two or three MEPs as being the most likely number.