
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

Bookworm5/02/2009 2:41:12 pm PDT


I forgot to add that I know you described the BNP as “extreme right white supremacist” (try saying that three times fast), but I’m still confused.

If you go the BNP’s website, they don’t advocate a Nazi or KKK style racial purification. Mostly, they seem to want to slow immigration (which has been pretty much open borders from Eastern European and Muslim countries since 1985 and onward), they want to take back political power England ceded to the EU, and they want to revitalize British culture, which is increasingly vanishing before the PC tsunami. Whether or not one agrees with this, it’s not Naziism.

I’m also freely concede that I know nothing about the BNP other than how it defines itself on its web. With that definition, I can see where it could be a very attractive alternative for Brits who see their country committing social suicide before their eyes. If it is, however, a true neo-nazi organization, dedicated to taking over the government and starting racial purification a la the Nazis and the KKK, you are right that it is a despicable entity, and political power is a bad thing.

By the way, I’m not defending the BNP here. I clearly don’t know enough about it one way or the other. I’m just looking for definitional clarity, because I find British (and European) political parties remarkably incoherent when compared to America’s two party system.