
A Haunting Solo Performance: Bruce Hornsby, "Shit's Crazy Out Here"

Ferdinand8/27/2020 7:42:22 am PDT

This is the stuff I wanted to get out. Damn Cosplay Serbians.
But it’s the comments in an older post of his [Dreher’s] about Kenosha where the fascists are really strutting. Here’s a few wretched samples:

People guarding businesses with rifles are well within the law. Rittenhouse had his hands up when he walked past the cops, so he was clearly no threat to them. There is no comparison with the rioters. …
I will go back to and stand by my original statement that the rioters in Minneapolis who burned down the police station should have been shot as they tried it (though not the people protesting or even looting, as odious as the latter is). Not doing so has set the tone for all this and made the tolerable seem intolerable. A violent attack on a public institution is not a protest or even civil unrest. It is insurrection and violence against the general public and public welfare. Not stopping it with force has let the cat out of the bag and it’s going to be a big, big tiger before this is all over. …
After watching a documentary about the LA Riots of the 90’s you said, “I stand withe the rooftop Koreans, do you?”. I affirmed that I did and do and the rooftop Koreans of our time are atop the buildings of Kenosha, Wisconsin 2020. They are armed and ready to defend their themselves, their families, their businesses, their neighborhood and their town from the rioters and looters, the gangbangers and the White Communists. I stand with the rooftop Americans in Kenosha, do you? …
The Left wing violence has been going on for weeks, and, finally, it can be justified because a violent right-winger showed up for the party. Of course this happened - No shit. If your beloved rioters keep this up, there will obviously be more of the same. Probably a lot more. Again, No shit. But this means that “fascism” is real, right? And so your beloved rioters are righteous, no? Valiant Defenders! …
A 17 year-old kid managed to slot 2 anarchists and hideously maim another. There is plenty of evidence showing he acted in self defense and the prosecutors already overcharged him so he will most likely walk. Antifa isn’t so scary when they can’t mob a person 5 to 1, throw a brick or take a cheap shot. Kenosha antifa couldn’t subdue and disarm a 17 year-old kid who was separated, on the ground and alone, with one of the attackers carrying a Glock and pretending to surrender before pulling it out—typical filthy, dishonorable antifa tactic. False surrender is a war crime under the Geneva convention. …
The arrested the poor boy and charged him with murder even though the videos quite clearly show he was legally and morally in the right. Decent people must find a way to defend him.