
You Expect Me To Believe That?!? (Ft. Tim Robinson)

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)3/25/2024 3:13:39 am PDT

re: #170 Nerdy Fish

Was this the one where somebody said Trump picked up somebody else’s ball and threw it into a sand trap?

That one is an anecdote going back to before 2016. There was an article about Trump’s golf antics that included it. Plus the fact that pros would play with him simply to watch how outrageously he cheated.

I played golf casually in the late 80s and 90s. Lots of public courses with cheap greens fees back then just outside of Pittsburgh. Messing with another player’s golf ball was well outside the decorum of the game.* Even when playing with some people with very competitive personalities.

* - About the only exception to this I ever saw was someone I was playing with knock a ball over into the rough. This was after people behind us on the tee drove balls into our group without yelling “Fore” or essentially giving us time to get clear.

In comparison I once reached a par 5 in two with a really good fairway shot. Yelled “Fore” in case and then when I got to the green apologized to the group ahead who was still putting out. One of them asked me “Was that in two?”. I said “Yes”. He said “No apology required.”