
BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

leereyno5/03/2009 3:09:49 pm PDT

re: #225 Salamantis

No matter how mnay times you repeat this self-serving lie, you cannot bend political and historical reality enough to render it true.

Fascism is quite unlike communism. Communism appeals to a supposed universal materiality of humanity and human labor; fascism appeals to purported specific instances of sociocultural geist or will, tied to particular geographies and ethnicities. This is why communism is internationalist while fascism is nationalistic, and why communism does not in theory racially or ethnically discriminate, while racial and ethnic discrimination is built into the very theoretical fabric of fascism.

You spend an awful lot of time saying things that are obvious to anyone who understands these two brands of sophistry and evil. How does anything you said indicate that Fascism is not a leftist ideology?

Communists define their enemies based upon their juvenile interpretation of class. Fascists define their enemies based upon their even more juvenile interpretations biology and ethnicity.

Both groups will come in the night and haul you off to a death camp. Fascists governments and communists governments are both Cleptocracies, organized crime outfits that have captured the reins of government through brutality and ruthlessness.

The only difference between these two groups are the excuses that each uses to justify the tyranny that they impose upon their fellow man. Communists use class resentments to create the Other that must be destroyed, while Fascists use racial and ethnic resentments.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

The fact that one claims to be international in scope, while the other is nationalistic, is a distinction without a difference.