
A Surreal Dystopian Fable About Late Stage Capitalism: "The Employment"

dat_said10/06/2023 8:06:52 am PDT

Politico: How Trump was talked into — and out of — a run for speaker

The story triggered panic among House Republicans. It wasn’t that anyone seriously thought he’d win the 218 votes to be elected. In fact, most who were familiar with the conference’s internal dynamics believed he couldn’t even get the conference nomination, requiring a simple majority of Republicans.

Not only would he lose to Scalise or Jordan, they told him but that he could receive just a handful of votes since the nomination process is done by secret ballot — meaning Republicans were free to vote their conscience without MAGA blowback. In fact, they warned, Trump might not even be admitted to the closed-door election, which are typically held in “executive session” where outsiders and even most staff are kicked out of the room.

Panic and fear.