
FBI Says AZ Attorney General Tom Horne Clipped Car, Drove Off to Hide Affair

goddamnedfrank10/31/2012 10:31:46 pm PDT

Some commenters on Sam Wang’s website put together this electoral vote counting spreadsheet. (.xls format)

Notice that despite NC being colored in on the map this version of the spreadsheet treats it as a swings state, so you can fill in R in the appropriate box of leave it blank depending on your own inclination. I tend to think NC isn’t going to happen for us this time around.

Playing around with it you’ll see that if Obama wins Ohio and Wisconsin he only needs either Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, or Nevada to seal the deal. Looking at the polling one has to ask, if Obama is winning Ohio and Wisconsin, how could he not also be winning both Iowa and Nevada?

Romney is quickly running out of room to maneuver. The momentum appears to be against him, he has too many states to try to resuscitate in the very little time lef and he has no further opportunities like a debate to change the national narrative.

The reaction to Christie tells me that the GOP is just about through the denial stage of Kbler-Ross and are now moving on to anger.