
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc4/30/2009 1:18:14 am PDT

re: #235 funky chicken

Wow. At least your son’s school is acknowledging that they have a case … there’s just no chance that all those huge schools in Los Angeles don’t have this crap, and lots of it.

A Marine at 29 Palms was just confirmed to have it, and he travelled around San Bernardino, which is an outlying suburb of LA.

And my daughter’s school still hasn’t cancelled the stupid Disneyland trip that she’s signed up for….and I still am freaked out by the thought of her going there.

Although the kids might be disappointed, you need to bring that up with the school board.

Ask them, “Hey, do you really think it’s a good idea for kids to be jammed together with people from all over the world as a swine flu pandemic is spreading?”