
The DHS Plot Thickens

SixDegrees4/20/2009 10:01:57 am PDT

For everyone trying to defend the presence of Nazis on the right, deny that there is any problem with extremist right-wing groups recruiting vets, or otherwise trying to deny reality:

I listened to three separate editorials this morning on three different radio stations: NPR, a local news station, and the national sponsor they’re affiliated with. Each and everyone of them was saying the same thing: Look at the crazy mofos who attended the Tea Parties; a bunch of racist Nazis claiming that the President isn’t a citizen, or shouldn’t hold his office because of his race, or is a crazed Communist infiltrator embarking on a real-life version of The Manchurian Candidate.

And all they have to do is point to any slightly-right-of-center blog to see argument after argument claiming that it’s OK to allow, or at least ignore, the presence of such losers at rallies; that, well, OK, they’re a little crazy, but not so bad, really; or that as long as they support a particular agenda, the rest of their message doesn’t matter. All the proof any mugwamp needs that what the media is saying is 100% true, and all the incentive they need to stay away from those crazy Republicans and their racist, bigoted, theocratic candidates in the next election.

At this point, I believe the GOP can simply kiss the midterms goodbye, along with their fingernail-thin grasp on the Senate. Whine all you want about the biased media; you knew it was biased going in, and you’ve now handed them a full quiver of arrows that they’ll be shooting back at us for years to come.

Do you get it now? You’re tools.