
John Oliver Looks Into PFAS, a Dangerous Chemical You Probably Didn't Know About

ckkatz10/04/2021 1:50:44 pm PDT

In other news…

It looks like the annual migration of Halyomorpha halys has begun.

Also known as the brown marmorated stink bug, these things get into the house every fall to hibernate. They randomly wake up over the winter and make a nuisance of themselves until they are dispatched. At which point, they release their ‘stink’.

The interesting thing about their scent, is that it strongly resembles cilantro. And affects people the same way. Some folks are genetically predisposed to detest cilantro and react similarly to the scent. Others, who do not mind cilantro, react less viscerally to the scent.

So far today I have dispatched three inside the house. And there are multiple others on the outside of the window screens.