
John Oliver: Long-Term Care Needs Fixing, and Here's Why

Targetpractice4/12/2021 4:13:30 pm PDT

re: #249 No Malarkey!

One, I’m not suggesting forcing anyone to do anything; I want to give them money!

Right, you don’t want to coerce them, you want to encourage them.

Two, achieving herd immunity will save huge numbers of lives, so I do give a fuck about people, and their reasons are bullshit.

So why not expand the plan to all forms of vaccines? Surely if saving lives from Covid is worth money, then saving them from measles, mumps, diphtheria, and all other sorts of diseases for which vaccines exist would be ever bit as valuable. Or do we not care about those lives?

I haven’t heard anyone except you and anti-vaccers suggest there is a serious risk of long term health consequences from the vaccine, whereas we know for an absolute fact there are serious risks of long term health consequences from Covid infections, up to and including death.

Perhaps because I’m a cynic by nature and I tend to take a skeptical view whenever someone suggests that there’s an “easy” solution to a problem. Particularly when they’re basing their solution upon assumptions for which there is no evidence, such as that the CV-19 vaccines carry no risk of long term effects. The research into mRNA vaccines is only been around for roughly a decade, the vaccines themselves in development less than a year, and the clinical trial lasted a matter of weeks. Hence why they’re all only available under emergency approval, because submission for the regular approval route is still months away. And most vaccines submitted for FDA approval have generally undergone years of research and clinical trials.

Your entire position is based upon these vaccines being every bit as safe as vaccines produced through traditional methods and tested for orders of magnitude longer than any of these have gone through. All in the belief that any lives negatively affected will be outweighed by the ones saved.

Before you start cramming words in my mouth again, I’ll state my position as plainly as I can: I am not saying “Don’t vaccinate,” I am saying “Let’s take this one step at a time.”