
FBI Says AZ Attorney General Tom Horne Clipped Car, Drove Off to Hide Affair

JamesWI10/31/2012 11:52:46 pm PDT

Oh good lord, the wingnuts are delusional. From Joel Pollack over at Breitbart and his theory on Christie’s praise of Obama:

But the truth about Christie’s outreach to Obama is blindingly obvious: Mitt Romney is now running away with this election, freeing Christie to praise the president without fear that doing so will tip the scales.…..

….Romney’s lead in the national polls may appear small(ed. “small,” as in non-existent), but it is likely much more significant, since the electorate that shows up on Tuesday will include proportionally fewer Democrats than most polls have assumed thus far….

Democrats and journalists have clung desperately to one illusion after another–first, that Obama was winning in Ohio, until that was no longer true; next, that Obama had an edge in early voting, until that was wrong; and finally, that Obama had a stronger ground game, until that began to fall apart.

Now that Obama is on defense in blue states such as Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon and Michigan, a Romney victory is within reach.