
Overnight Ocean Thread

razorbacker9/30/2009 6:01:07 am PDT

re: #260 reloadingisnotahobby

Two decades ago, I’m driving down I-55 in the MO bootheel and I see a junked ‘67 Cutlass Supreme convertible. Sad thing. No front clip, interior looks like a convertible does when it sits naked to the elements, paint is all gone.

But the bones are there. All the engine, transmission, running gear and the body from the windshield back. So, like the idjit that I am, I turn around and go up the the guy and buy it. Drove it home sitting on an overturned five gallon bucket. Spent three years finding all the correct body parts and overhauling the engine. And I’ve been driving it for 17 years.

It’s cool. Co-eds see you going down the street and ask for a ride. Little kids come up and want to sit in it.

But it is over 40 years old. And like most things 40 years old, it needs special handling to keep it presentable and reliable. The wife likes it; it makes her feel young again to sit in the passenger seat and feel the wind blow through her hair.

But it is, when all is said and done, just a 42 year old example of GM machinery.