
Overnight Ocean Thread

iceweasel9/30/2009 6:15:06 am PDT

re: #276 Spenser (with an S)

Gah. Say what you are implying. “VOA isn’t Tokyo Rose, but they were both propaganda, so…?”

I’m pointing out that Midler’s remarks, specifically this one, are not as crazy as they might seem:

“If you look around at the rest of the world and what this kind of behavior has done, like in Rwanda, where the demagogues got on the radio and fomented all that hate between the Tutsis and the Hutus and the devastation that happened from that, I mean, it’s terrifying,” Midler said.

Radio was used as a means to encourage and spread genocide in Rwanda. That is fact.

It is also fact that we have people on the radio now who dreamily, hopefully, talk about how there ‘may’ have to be a civil war, or an armed insurrection, or that the endtimes are coming. Beck is a purveyor of such an apocalyptic world view. And it is terrifying.

Do I care what Midler or any celebrity has to say on politics? No. Do I think the US will have a civil war? No. I think the scenarios Shiplord mentioned are all far more likely.