
Newt Gingrich's Soft, Fuzzy Side:

Gus12/29/2011 9:43:51 pm PST

re: #280 Slumbering Behemoth

Indeed. And the idea of embracing anyone who wears the atheist moniker, no matter how far off the wall their other beliefs/stances may be, seems to be a symptom of those types. And a turn off for me.

For example, I like to occasionally smoke herb. This is a fact that I rarely share, as most smokers think this should make us instant, ideological friends.

No, dude. We are not friends, and we are nothing alike. We have one vice in common, and that is it. Go sell your placenta shampoo and you stupid hemp wallets to someone else, asshole.

I went to Santa Fe once. Bleh. Couldn’t handle it. OK I really did but that hemp stuff makes me feel like Cartman. And it’s like I mentioned before I believe in the concept of evil. There is right and wrong and this isn’t some survival of the fittest boot camp. If I find allies who are religious I will gladly take them. Converse to that if I find enemies who are atheists I will gladly reject them.