
The DHS Plot Thickens

Gus4/20/2009 10:21:26 am PDT

re: #270 Radar G

And you give them legitimacy by playing their game. Only the right need be bothered by the kooks who attempt to graft themselves into a larger movement. Point out ACORN, La Raza, CAIR, et al, and you’re just a racist. Sorry. I don’t want to let the left dictate the terms. I went to the Tea Party here in Pensacola FL. Yes, there were a few Paulians, and a few holding ridiculous anti-Obama signs. I’d say somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 people, total. This was out of a group of 1000. Acting as though that is anything resembling a true menace to the Republic simply plays into the hands of the likes of NPR. It gives flesh to the largely imaginary boogeyman they have constructed.

When you say La Raza do you mean National Council of La Raza (NCLR)? They’re not by any means considered an extremist group and are simply an advocacy group like the Asia Society or the NAACP. While one might not agree with their political ideology they are not even remotely comparably to any other extremist groups both on the left or the right.

There may have been some factions of Chicano Student movement groups within NCLR but those have been blown way out of proportion by the likes of Human Events or World Net Daily.