
Seth Meyers: Bombshell Report Says Lindsey Graham Threw Trump Under the Bus in Georgia Case

Vicious Babushka1/25/2024 7:23:59 pm PST

re: #25 Egregious Philbin

It wouldn’t because its straight nitrogen. Nitrogen narcosis is from nitrogen oxide which you get under pressure at a certain depth. I have had a touch of it diving below 100 feet. Deepest dive I did was The Devil’s Throat in Cancun, only because I dove with some people the day before, and I impressed them with my diving skills. I had a dive computer that said I only had about 2 minutes at the depth I was at, before I would be decomped, (somewhere around 120 or more, I can’t remember), so I ascended about 10 feet and I had about 10 minutes, and then more and more as I came up. Do your deepest dive first, wait an hour or more to expel that nitrogen and on you second dive, go much more shallow. And if you can use Nitrox, do it, (32-36% Oxygen displacing Nitrogen, we called it “Hangover Gas”)

LOL thanks for explaining that. I have never dived in my life, don’t plan on it. Isn’t that why people watch YouTube? I was thinking of something called “The Bends” that can happen if divers decompress too quickly, like the passengers on that Titanic submarine would have, if they weren’t squashed to death first.