
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 6:50:32 pm PDT


Thank you so much for welcomes! I am a little bit overwhelmed. :)

MandyManners and Marjorie…

I have supported the Log Cabin Republicans and even tried to help start a local group here in Greensboro. We didn’t really get off the ground. Right now, I feel so estranged from the party that I am not interested in helping at all until we get some semblance of sanity back into the discourse. Honestly, this last election was the first time I have ever voted for a Democrat for higher office, and I have been a Republican since 1985. I took a lot to alienate me…and the incompetence, mendacity and inability to actually govern over the past 8 years convinced me that something had to be done. I couldn’t just be a consistent enabler in an abused spouse relationship…which was what my party affiliation was beginning to feel like. Not that I am happy with Obama in many respects…but Christ in Heaven! It at least feels like we have adults back in charge even if I think they were insane for canceling the F22 (I tend to write about defense matters)

Lessee…shaving face and wearing ties…or shaving legs and wearing hose…

They are both annoying. I tend to wear skirt suits since I dislike the idea of forty something year old people trying to dress like 18 year olds. If you look professional, you get taken seriously; so I shave the legs and wear hose. It’s still a bother, though.