
John Oliver: Long-Term Care Needs Fixing, and Here's Why

lawhawk4/12/2021 10:11:48 am PDT

Saw this all first hand, and for those families who don’t have ability or wherewithal to advocate for their loved ones, the level of care is even worse.

There are things that are done as a matter of ordinary business that can have dire consequences. Move someone from a hospital to a nursing home for rehab, and the hospital can release Friday after 5pm and the nursing home could receive the person without having the meds on hand to continue care/recovery. That can have dire consequences. Turns out, that you can petition hospital to delay release until the patient and nursing home are ready to receive the patient - like the next morning.

So much of nursing home data is self-reported, which means that the nursing homes can inflate their scoring. Assisted living facilities have even less oversight, and anyone can run them.

Too many patients and not enough nurses. Too many patients and not enough caregivers - who are underpaid. Not enough infection control measures in place pre-pandemic. Pandemic made all of that worse.

Oh, and Trump wanted to roll back infection provisions instituted under Obama.